Latest News
2024-09-08 This Week: Troop Meeting, Committee Meeting, Climbing Rock Enon, David Lloyd Eagle Project Will Roger, District Camporee, Naval Academy, Merit Badge, Youth Mental First Aid Class, Adult Training, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateHope you are doing well and getting ready for an exciting fall calendar!!! One item to note, due to...
REMINDER! Please join Scouts BSA Troop 131 for an Eagle Scout Court of Honor celebrating: Isaac Workman All...
2024-08-31 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Nathan Wells Eagle, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateThank you to all who participated and helped for the Court of Honor last Monday and a special thank...
We need a really big turn out for this. It is just an afternoon, and it is in memory...
2024-08-24 This Week: Troop Meeting, Court of Honor, Box of Destiny, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, I hope that you all had a great first week of school. Congratulations to those that went...
2024-08-17 This Week: Troop Meeting, Fall Activities, Ben Moore Eagle Project, Merit Badge Counselors, Box of Destiny, Adult Volunteers, Naval Academy, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, I hope you are all well! I just got back in town from our family trip to...
Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited! What: Camping and Football When: Fri 15 – Sun 17 Nov Where: ...
2024-07-28 This Week: Troop Meeting, Thank you Plaque, Scoutmaster on Vacation, Ben Moore Eagle Project, Zachary Kenny Eagle BoR, Dutch Oven Engraving, Merit Badge Counselors, Box of Destiny, Acting SPL, Flight School, Adult Volunteers, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, I hope you are well and enjoying your weekend. There are lots of things in this email so...
2024-07-21 This Week: Troop Meeting & Board of Reviews, Jay Setliff & Ben Moore Eagle Project, Merit Badge Counselors, Box of Destiny, Acting SPL, Flight School, Adult Volunteers, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, I have been very bad about sending out a note when people leave the troop/move away from the area. ...
Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited! What: Troop Climbing When: Fri 13 – Sat 15 Sept Where: Camp...
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