We owe it to our kids to provide them the very best Scouting experience that we can. That means having trained leaders. For any adult to participate in Scouting activities, you must complete Youth Protection Training. But there is plenty more to do. From learning about how the Troop works, to the Committees that keep it running, all the way through the pinnacle of adult leadership training, the Wood Badge, there is always something we could do as adults to learn more about Scouts and provide our kids the more rewarding program we can.

Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection
Training for Adults
Supplemental Training Courses
These courses are designed to help Scouters with a particular skill or to enhance their Scouting role. Additional modules may be found on the “Supplemental” link in the upper-left section of this page.

The podcasts are monthly audio presentations that provide information on topics of interest to Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders.

Open to both registered adults and youth who are at least 13 and have completed the 8th grade, Powder Horn is a hands-on resource management course designed to give you the contacts and tools necessary to conduct an awesome high-adventure program in your troop, team, crew, or ship. Contact your area training chair for information about upcoming courses in your area.

Councils may now provide Unit Chaplain and Unit Chaplain Aide training which includes participation by the Chartered Organization Representative at their convenience. This easy to download syllabus is intended to reinforce not only the relationship with the Chartered Partner but connect these Scouts and Scouters with other units in their districts and council. They may learn best practices to strengthen their roles as Chaplains and Chaplain Aides, inspire more Duty to God activities and foster understanding of the many faiths represented in the Boy Scouts of America.
The Course Code for this training is D86.
These courses are designed to help Scouters with skills related to the BSA’s outdoor program.

This one-and-a-half day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO training consists of an online pre-requisite component in addition to an overnight hands on practical. BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the discovery of the necessary tools to help units carry our a successful camping experience. Completion of this course is mandatory for a MINIMUM OF ONE adult on a Pack overnighter.
This course should not be taught with IOLS. As part of a two-part blended learning format, the on-line modules are the first step to become BALOO trained. The on-line training modules contain introductory and basic information that will be built upon during the practical training that is completed during an in-person, council instructed course. The on-line component must be completed prior to the practical component and the course facilitator should check this before allowing enrollment into this part of the course. The in-person syllabus is facilitated by the council training committee and the syllabus must be followed to include the overnight portion of the training. Otherwise the training code will not be awarded.

This presentation provides a detailed briefing for individuals selected to serve as a camp health officer at a council or district camping facility.

The Kodiak Challenge is designed to be an adventure that pushes the boundaries of every participant – one that will encourage you to try new things that may be out of your comfort zone. It is an experience—but one that has its underpinnings in the application of the leadership skills they learned in the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops or Crews, NYLT, and/or NAYLE. It is, as is all of Scouting, an adventure with a purpose

This training outline teaches how Scouts can plan and safely carry out council and unit high-adventure treks using Leave No Trace techniques.
Train-the-Trainer Courses
These courses are designed to help Scouters learn or improve their presentation skills.

This is the first part of the three-part train-the-trainer continuum (T3, or T-Cubed) in the Boy Scouts of America. The course introduces teaching techniques and skills to new Scout trainers but is also designed to help all Scouters, regardless of their experience, present effective training. Intended for both youth and adult trainers, the course will help those who might have trained for other organizations learn the BSA’s training techniques, and it will help freshen up the skills of current BSA trainers.

While the Trainer’s EDGE is a required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge and NYLT staffs, it is also for other trainers wishing to enhance their training and presentation skills.

In conjunction with the Volunteer Development Team, the National Supply Group has released the latest version of the pocket-sized certificate of training. Simply specify SKU 615012 when ordering from your local Scout Shop or through Click on the link below to open a pdf template that has been created for convenience in filling out these portable training records.
National Training Conferences
Bechtel Summit’s John D. Tickle Training Center
Philmont Training Center
Since 1950 The Philmont Training Center (PTC) has provided a unique environment for training volunteer and professional leaders, and a fun family program for every member of the family.

Join us in the beautiful Florida Keys to learn with experienced and informed Scouters with ample time to enjoy the climate and beauty of the Keys.

Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals. Scouters from Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters all are welcome and belong here.
Course Director’s and Area Training Conferences

Click here for the most up-to-date listing of Wood Badge and NYLT Course Director’s Conferences in your region or area and across the nation. The accompanying links for registering for each conference will be available as listed. Many of this year’s Course Director’s Conferences have been combined with other functional conferences, creating an atmosphere of learning on a larger scale and allowing for the sharing of resources and ideas. You will find these Area Training Conferences listed here as well.

Wood Badge
Wood Badge is advanced Scout leader training that began in 1919 by Lord Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting and Wood Badge’s first director. It came to America in 1948 and has been updated to reflect current BSA policies and programs. Incorporating the best techniques available, Wood Badge has become the most advanced leadership training course in Scouting!
Wood Badge is the highest level of Scout leadership training and provides you with the tools to be a superior leader. The leadership skills taught are for leaders from all Scouting areas including Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Venturing and the district and council. The 1st half of the course utilizes a classroom environment and practical exercises to teach the essentials of leadership. You’ll learn what makes leadership work for you in Scouting and your personal life. The 2nd half offers classroom and outdoor experiences to help you learn the application of leadership skills. Finally, you will write and complete a “Ticket”. The “Ticket” consists of five written goals. These goals connect your new leadership knowledge to your role in Scouting.
Any Scouter who has attended basic training for their registered position and serves in a leadership role in Scouting or in a position that directly supports a unit can attend.