2021-05-10 This Week: In Person meeting, Canoeing, Service

2023-01-23 This Week: Troop Meeting, PLC, Jack Snowden Eagle Project, Troop Calendar, Aviation Merit Badge Recap, Scout Sunday, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! I just got back into town after celebrating Chinese New Year in Philadelphia...
This Week (August 11): Merit Badges
, Scoutmaster Update
Hopefully no more facility issues this week. Let’s huddle up and work on some requirements and first aid skills! ...
This Week (July 21): Gear Check / Dolly Sods / WSJ
, Scoutmaster Update
Gear Check We are going to do a gear check tomorrow, so could use your help! We’ll set up...
2024-06-30 This Week: Goshen Update, Troop Meeting, Acting SPL, Woggles, Crime Prevention, ILOS Adult Volunteers, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, Welcome back scouts! I hope you all had a great time at Goshen- Camp Olmsted and I...
2024-02-11 This Week: roop Meeting, Backpacking, Order of the Arrow, Sea Base University of Scouting, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
TROOP MEETING We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! We have a few...
This Week (Dec. 8): Cook Off, Dues, Adult Training
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop Cook Off! Be ready to cook tomorrow, the golden chalice needs a new home! The winning patrol...
This Week (Nov. 10): No Meeting, BoR Change, Orienteering, Wreaths
, Scoutmaster Update
We had a great Court of Honor last week, led as always 100% by the Scouts. Great job to...
2021-04-05 This week: In Person!
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
In Person Meeting – Outdoors 7pm We can do it again! We are meeting outdoors at the FBC in...
Upcoming Events
Recent Posts
- April 2025 Fishing and Hiking @ Whiskey Hollow
- 2025-03-09 This Week: PLC, Troop Meeting, Shooting Trip, Committee Meeting, Sea Base, Order of the Arrow, Summer Camp, One Month Look Ahead
- 2025 Troop 131 Spring Committee Meeting – 13 Mar
- 2025-03-02 This Week: Court of Honor, Shooting Trip, Summer Camp, One Month Look Ahead
- 2025-02-23 This Week: Troop Meeting, Shooting Trip, Summer Camp, Public Speaking Merit Badge, One Month Look Ahead