
Wow, what an intense four weeks!  It started on September 28th with the service project/pumpkin drop-off at the church, then the Will Rodger service project/cast iron cooking, followed by Climboree last weekend and the Camporee this weekend!

The Camporee was a great success, and the scouts did an amazing job.  First a big shout out to Mr. Jahns who organized a spectacular program for the camporee.  Also, a big shout out to the Tadhg, ArthurTheo, Owen, Josiah, David, Jonathan, Ethan, Thomas and Elliot for providing leadership and helping to run the events.  In addition, the troop volunteered to raise the flag on Saturday, Tadgh and Arthur ran the campfire and had two good skits to help with the entertainment.

We did a great job in setting up the camp Friday night, including a herculean effort on the entry/gateway, which resulted in a perfect score during campsite inspections and first prize for the camporee.

We hosted a great dinner for Pack 135 Arrow of Light Scouts and hopefully we took the first step in convincing many of them to join the troop in March.  See image below!

In my book, Troop 131 was Troop of the weekend!

Thank you to all the scouts and adults who made this crazy October happen! I would like to add that we had a few intrepid/uber scouts who; despite schoolwork, family life and other commitments participated in all last three major events this month:

Andrew Devlin

Rhys Devlin

Tadhg Devlin

Thomas Grocki

Ethan Lacayo

Rylan McDonald

Jonathan Nguyen

Theo Ramirez

Talis Saulki

For them I have a special October Woggle that I will give at the Monday meeting in recognition of their participation in the Troop! If I missed anyone in error, please let me know!

A final thanks to Mr. Wells and Gabe who went out to help with the pumpkin unloading at the church while the troop was away.  We always want to support our amazing sponsor in any way we can!


We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! 

We are going to keep it easy tomorrow.  First there will be NO Board of Reviews tomorrow.  While several of you are working actively toward your next rank, no one is quite there yet.  The next BoR is on November 18th, so please work toward that.

The meeting will focus on shed and gear clean up (just need a few of the older scouts) advancement, and of course lots of fun and games!


Mrs. Setliff volunteered to be our Wreath coordinator this year and she will be at the meeting to walk everyone through the process.  Remember, part of the money raised goes to the troop and part goes to your scout account.  This money can be used to pay for camping trips, scout activities, and even upcoming high adventure …. Just saying!

Please come to the meeting as this is our only fundraising activity this year!


Mr. Saulski asked me to remind all those working on their Climbing Merit Badge and believe they have completed the climbing/rappelling/belaying requirements to seek him out for a conference to go over the last of the academic requirements.



See note below from our Committee Chair, Mrs. Devlin.  Scouts BSA (National) has a new system for re-chartering this year.  Instead of the troop collecting your fees and paying collectively, each family is asked to pay directly.  The only caveat is that the troop will still collect our dues directly.  See note below and thanks for your patience as we get used to the new system.

Good evening scouts, parents, ASMs, committee members and T131 fans,


Cutting to the chase here, it’s almost time for fees/dues/recharter. 



BSA Adult Volunteer Annual Fee = $65 paid direct to BSA 



BSA Youth Annual Fee = $180 (up $5 from last year):

  • $85 National BSA fee
  • $80 Participation fee for NCAC (National Capital Area Council)
  • $15 for Scouts Life magazine (optional)
  • Paid directly from parents to BSA, they’ll reach out to you via email in the next month or sowhen your son’s registration is expiring (most T131 scouts expire 31DEC2024)

Troop 131 Scout Dues = $25

  • Goes toward camping gear, scout food, rank patches and merit badges 
  • Troop 131 dues are only for scouts—no dues for adults
  • Paid via Zelle/cash/check to Mr. Baldwin by Nov. 15
  • Scouts can pay some or all of this with the funds in their scout accounts on file with the troop—see attached doc from Mr. Baldwin for your scout’s balance


Note: We never want the ability to pay dues to stand in the way of the Scouting experience.  If you would like a scholarship, please contact me or any adult leader directly and we’ll take care of it!


This is a big shift for us as a Troop—we used to collect all Troop money and submit a check directly. We’re taking notes on the new system, and BSA is eager to improve the process however they can.


Last important piece of info from the committee meeting is the adult camping fees–starting in 2025, we will waive adult camping fees for those volunteers who are supporting our activities! (If there are extra per-person fees for events like climbing or rafting, it will be announced.) Thank you to all who continue to support our boys’ outdoor experiences.


Please reach out with questions.

Anastasia Devlin

Chair, Troop 131




See note from Mr. Moore concerning Scouting for Food and see link below to sign up so that we can get a good head count!

11/2/24 Saturday 9-11:30 – Scouting for Food 

Scouts and parents, please join us Saturday, November 2, 2024, in the parking of the church to distribute adhesive notes at homes in the neighborhood to inform local households about the Scouting for Food collection drive. Then, the second weekend, Saturday, November 9, 2024, please join us again to collect the bags/boxes of food, and return them to the church for later distribution to local food distribution charities. Meet in the parking lot of Immanuel Church on the Hill at 3606 Seminary Rd., Alexandria, VA, at 10:00 AM, Saturday, November 2nd.  This is a great way for Scouts to earn service hours and help those in need in our community.  Parents and their automobiles are needed to transport Scouts to the neighborhood to drop off flyers and then pick up donated food items the following week. Parents, please contact Andrew Moore if you are able to participate (, 202-258-7103).

Wear Class A Uniforms.  Thanks!

-Mr. Moore


See upcoming service activities! – Links Courtesy of our Service Coordinator Mrs. Ramirez!

11/2/24 Saturday 9-11 – Pumpkin Patch at Immanuel Church on the Hill

11/9/24 Saturday 10-11:30 – Scouting for Food – We need 4 parent drivers per day for this event! Please reach out to ASM Andrew Moore (, 202-258-7103) if you can support. Scouts and Adults, please sign up below.


See email from Mr. Mulvaney Concerning the next camping trip.


Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited!
What: Camping and Football
When: Fri 15 – Sun 17 Nov
Where:  Annapolis, MD
Why: Are you ready for some football
Cost:  Scout $30 camping program + $20 ticket= $50

           Adult $35  camping program + $30 ticket= $65

Register at:

Cut off is 1 Nov, so sign up early

Easiest way to make payment for this or other Scout events is Zelle:

Name: TreasurerT131

Email: Treasurer@T131.Org

When making payment via Zelle, please be sure to add a note with what the payment is for; alternately, you can send a separate email to Treasurer@T131.Org


We have a good turnout signed up so far.  EVERYONE, please check this list.  If things have changed and you are no longer planning to attend, please let me know ASAP. 


We MUST pay for tickets ahead of time, so we need a solid head count.

Price includes Football tickets, Camping, all Food, Commemorative Patch, Program Activities at Elks Camp Barrett, & Tailgate Party at Stadium

All scouts will receive a commemorative Navy Football Scout Day Patch at the game.

In 2023 we welcomed over 3,500 scouts (boys and girls) and family members to Annapolis, making it one of the largest football events in recent history.


Friday Nov 15, Scheduled Activities include:
* 3:00 pm – Unit Arrivals & Set Up Camp
* 12:00 am – Lights out
Scout Day Saturday Nov 16, Scheduled Activities include: (Tailgate Lunch Time is tentative & depends upon Kickoff time)
* 6:00 am – Continental Breakfast
* TBD – Tours of USNA by Midshipman (NESA) & USNA Scout Patch
* 11:00 am – Lunch 
àTailgate Lunch @ NAVYFEST – Southside of Stadium – along Taylor Ave
* 12:00 pm – USNA College Football Game: Midshipmen vs. Houston Cougars
* 6:00 pm – After Football Game – Return to Camp for Dinner
* 11:30 pm − Lights Out
Sunday Nov 17, Activities:
* 6:30 am – Hot Breakfast
* 8:30 am – Independent Interfaith Service
* 9:30 am – Clean Campsite/Depart from Camp


Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, October 21st – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 28th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, November 2nd – Pumpkin Clean up – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, November 2nd – Scouting for Food Drop-off

Monday, November 4th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, November 9th – Scouting for Food Pick-up

Monday, November 11th – No Troop Meeting Federal Holiday

Friday, November 15th-17th – Camping US Naval Academy Scout Day

Monday, November 18th – Troop Meeting (BoR)- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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