Welcome to Troop 131

Dear Parents:

We are pleased to welcome you and your son to Boy Scout Troop 131! The Troop has a very strong organization from over 85 years of experience, and we know your son will take pride in being a member of this highly motivated and extremely active boy-led Troop.

The Boy Scout program is very different from Cub Scouts. Your son will be given more responsibility and he will be offered opportunities to develop the skills he will need to fulfill those responsibilities. Adults have significantly less involvement than in Cub Scouts, but are always here to guide the boys as they develop their leadership skills. An Assistant Scoutmaster for new Scouts will be assigned as an advisor to your son’s patrol and will be the primary adult contact with that patrol.

Troop Activities: Regular Troop meetings are held every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel of Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill, 3606 Seminary Rd, Alexandria. We require all scouts to wear their Boy Scout uniform to all meetings and Troop activities.

If your son is unable to attend a particular Troop meeting or other activity, it is his responsibility to inform his Patrol Leader in advance. If he cannot contact his Patrol Leader, he must inform the Senior Patrol Leader. Please remember that communication is very important to a successful Troop. If you have any questions, please call the Assistant Scoutmaster for new Scouts.

Parents: As with any other youth organization, there are lots of jobs for adults, and we need your help! You are invited to join the Troop Committee and attend the committee meetings. While as a parent you may have less involvement directly in with your son in Boy Scouts, we look to you to support the Troop’s overall operations. You are always welcome at the Troop meetings and we encourage you to work with your son on his advancement.

Courts of Honor: The Troop hosts a quarterly award ceremony, called a Court of Honor, to recognize each Scout’s advancements during the preceding three months. It is important for parents to attend these meetings with your Scout, even if he is not receiving merit badges or rank advancements, to show your support for the Troop and the scouts.

Website: One important means of keeping informed about the Troop’s activities is through this Troop website. The website includes an up-to-date calendar of all Troop activities and information about upcoming events and service opportunities.

Scoutbook: The BSA’s new web application (or “web app”) is designed so that all scouts, parents, and leaders have a clear view of their scout’s advancement, as well as information about service hours, etc. After your forms are turned in, you will receive an email invitation to access Troop 131’s Scoutbook app.

Finally, please encourage your son to share his camping and Troop meeting experiences with you, and please, let one of us know if you have any questions! Best wishes for an exciting Scouting adventure in our Troop.


Yours in Scouting,


Mark Ramirez
      Anastasia Devlin

Committee Chair


©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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