
Elections, April 22

Congratulations to Ryan Reyes, the new SPL, and the rest of the elected and appointed Troop Leaders!  The future of the Troop looks bright!

BSA Swim Test April 29 – that’s tomorrow.  

In lieu of our troop meeting, we will have our yearly required BSA swim test on April 29 at Chinquapin recreation center at 3210 King Street at 7:30.   Attendance is required, especially if you plan on going on the Canoe trip in May or Beach Camping in August.

Court of Honor – May 6

In lieu of our Troop Meeting, we will have a Court of Honor on May 6 at FBC.  All Scouts and Parents are invited and encouraged to attend to honor your achievements!

Life to Eagle check in

Calling all Life Scouts and their parents! The Advancement Chair invites you to a conversation during the meeting on May 13. Just a run through a practical checklist and to hear any questions you might have about the process or areas to prioritize on the basis of your work thus far.

May 18-19 – Canoeing on the Shenandoah River

Get your paddling skills ready, and respond to Mr. Jahn’s email


Our new T shirts are in!  We’ll be distributing them after the swim test.

A message from one our upcoming Eagle Scout candidates

Dear Troop 131,

I am pleased to share with you Some of you may be too new to know about my project, others have been a crucial part in getting it completed: from data collection, to google form design, from wordpress wrangling to link checking and eating my snacks! Both leaders and scouts, as well as many parents have been guiding me in this project that I know many thought too ambitious and a little too different – thank you for giving me the chance to see it through. Obviously it will need some tweaking and some work for a long time to come, but it is a usable tool as it is and I know I can get some momentum going in a second phase, beyond the rank requirements.

Many of you are part of faith communities in the city and I hope you will feel free to promote it to them as I also promote it back to the original list of communities, many of them needing to see an actual site in place before they committed to joining it.

Thank you for all your encouragement in my scouting journey,

Thomas Haymes

NYLT, National Youth Leadership Training

Are you 14 or in 8th Grade? Are you a First Class Scout? If so, you have the opportunity to participate in an exciting, fun, and useful training through scouts – NYLT! We have some confirmed attendees, so let me know if you want to attend!

High Adventure – Dolly Sods July 10-14 

Our five day four night foray into the wild of West Virginia’s Dolly Sods trip is scheduled for July . The Dolly Sods crew’s next steps are locking in our participants ( that includes adults) and selecting our crew leader.  This position is perfect for the scout who is looking for a leadership position that will challenge him and help him become an even better scout.  You don’t have to do everything but you will have to delegate. Don’t hesitate to step up.

The route is set, and meal planning has started.  Training hikes, gear preparation are the next step.

See Mr. Rodger and Mr Guynn for more information.

Stem Committee and Events:

Did you know that over 50% of Merit Badges are STEM related?  Mr. Steenstra ( has found quite a few STEM opportunities coming up.

Summer Camp

Sign up with Mrs. Larson at

World Scout Jamboree

The WSJ is this summer at the Bechtel Reserve in WVA.  If you would like to visit for a day, see below link.  Max, Thomas, Matthew, and Mr Rodger are going this year!

 Service Opportunities

Saturday, April 28 – Parkway Classic

Thank you for all who participated!!

Saturday May 4 

Service Opportunity to honor fallen Navy and Marine Corps airmen and airwomen and support their families.

The Wingman Foundation’s second annual 20 mile walk in DC will take place Saturday May 4 beginning at the VFW in Arlington. Last year 5 scouts assisted at the walk by manning a water station along the route. Shifts are two hours each. 2018 water stations included one near the National Cathedral, one near Thompson Boathouse in Georgetown, and one on Hains Point. If you are willing and able to help out at this year’s walk, please contact Samantha Mulvaney (Ryan and Sean’s mom) at

Saturday, June 1 

From 11AM to 4PM, the City of Alexandria and the Alexandria-Caen Sister CIty Committee will be holding a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day on the Waterfont in Alexandria. Troop 131 Scouts have been invited to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the ceremony, in addition to helping set up and break down the event. Scouts with athletic talent may be needed to run a soccer clinic for children and supervise games of petanque/boules. This is a unique opportunity for our Scouts to be of service in a public way while honoring the sacrifice of so many on June 6, 1944 on the beaches of Normandy. Every year the number of veterans of that day who are still alive gets smaller, but I counted at least five WWII veterans at last year’s celebration.  —Mrs. Greiner

Notes from the Senior Patrol Leader:

– PATROL LEADERS – It is your responsibility to touch base with your Patrols and be sure that they are paying attention to the Skills Training and working on their Advancement

– CELL PHONE USAGE – Not in the troop meetings, except with very few exceptions when they are being used for advancement or merit badges.  

– Uniforms and Opening/Closing Ceremonies – wear your Field Uniforms and line up properly for the ceremonies.  

– BRING YOUR SCOUTBOOKS TO THE MEETINGS!  Opportunities for Advancement are being wasted just because Scouts don’t remember their books.  

Other Items of Interest

Stem Committee:

Contact Mr. Steenstra at the troop meeting if you would like to be on it!  There are lots of great opportunities around the area.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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