Outside Troop Meeting!
The last troop meetings have been successful and safe! Join us again at the FBC outside auditorium Monday night at 7:30-9:00 pm.
For those of you not familiar with the area, it is the “Additional Parking Area” past the cones, past the troop shed. Scouts will walk from the front parking lot to the back area. A few guidelines:
1) WEAR MASKS! Please do not come to the meeting without one. You will not be able to stay at the meeting without a mask!
2) BE WELL! if you have a fever, cough, or show any signs of being sick, do not come to the meeting. Be ultra careful!
3) BE PREPARED! It’s summer in DC – so be prepared for bugs and thunderstorms. This will be an outdoor meeting and we will not go into the Church. We will have drinking water available.
4) WEAR YOUR UNIFORM – It’s hung up in your closet, right? It is NOT under your bed crumpled up by that bag of doritos your parents don’t know you have in your room.
Troop Tradition dictates that we do not wear neckerchiefs in the summer months!!
I will be out of town camping with my family, but SPL Heckel has it under control!
July 11 – International Scouting Trash The Trash Day
Be on the lookout for an email with more detail.
July 18, Corey’s Eagle Scout Project.
It’s Service, it’s and activity, it’s helping your fellow Scout! If you are in town – sign up to help him!
From Corey:
Hey Scouts,
In case you didn’t know, I am having my eagle project on July 18th. We are
building a shed at Immanuel Church on the Hill for the youth group.
The address is 3606 Seminary Rd Alexandria, VA 22304.
Please bring face masks.
Bring gloves, safety glasses, and water. We’ll have these on hand for those
who need them.
here is the link to the sign up genius –
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040548aca728a6f58-coreyPlease sign up by July 9th. Email me if you have any questions.
I hope to see you there!
Corey Wargo-Bergmark
July July 17-19 Summer Mini Outing – Shenandoah National Park Backcountry camping
A trip is scheduled for July 17-19, for backpack camping in Shenadoah National Park around the North Fork of the Thornton River (Thorton River Trail/Hull School Trail/Piney Branch Trail). This is at least a medium difficulty trip. Single tenting is required as well as own transportation due to social distancing protocols. Contact ASM Andrew Moore for details and to RSVP (202-258-7103,
July 31 – Summer Mini Outing – PW Forest Park – July 31-August 2 –
ASM Snowden and ASM Rodger are going to organize a trip to PW Forest Park. More to come
Family Camping – Troop Gear
If you want to go camping with your family and don’t have the gear, let me know – the troop will help you out!