In Person Meeting 7:00 to 8:30
We were going to switch to zoom in November but the weather is just too darn nice!
This week – Camp Cooking Challenge (Iron Chef Style)!!
I will bring a number of backpacking ingredients to the troop meeting and Scouts will do their best to create a delicacy!  We’ll have gloves, masks (as always), and observe strict protocol for the judges.  The winner gets to hold the Golden Chalice of Baden-Powell.
Dues are Due! 
2021 dues are due.  As a reminder, the troop pays all dues for recharter (we are undergoing right now), which means if you don’t pay your Scout’s dues, then you will have to re-apply next year (which is a HUGE pain). Mr. Van Goetham will send a separate email.
We never want the ability to pay dues to stand in the way of the Scouting experience.  If you would like a scholarship, please contact me or any Adult Leader directly and we’ll take care of it!
Wreath Sales
LAST CHANCE – forms are due tomorrow!.  Support your troop!  Win fabulous prizes (Ok there is one prize).  Win bragging rights for most wreaths sold!
Any questions, please contact Mrs. Jahns at
Prince William Forest Park – Orienteering – November 13-15
See the email from Mr. Jahns.  It’s close to home and a great place to get away for the weekend.  Last chance to sign up is tomorrow!
Small Group Camping – December 4-6
Although we don’t do a Troop outing in December, the first years are planning a limited-numbers trip to Gore VA from December 4-6. They would like a couple of older scouts to come with them if you have the weekend free!  It’s a bit farther away – 2.5 hours.  If you are interested please contact Mr.
Scouting for Food
Sorry about the cancellation – we are on our own this year.  More to come with the rescheduled date.
Service Opportunity

Are you looking for service opportunities/hours? Here are some dates & details on up coming community service cleanups In FAIRFAX County.  If you are interested in attending, be sure to sign up at the link below and please let me know so I can try to connect any Troop 131 families that are also attending.

Fairfax County Park Cleanups are scheduled:

To register and to get all the latest details on locations, dates and times, go to the Volunteer in the Parks page.

Don’t forget to let Samantha Mulvaney know you’ll be attending so I can connect families and let you know a point of contact for the date you choose.

Adult Leadership:

Thank you so much to our Adult Leaders:

Still Looking for an Activities Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator!  Please let us know if you could help out!

Bring your headlamps – it’s getting dark earlier!  NOTE:
We will continue meeting outside for the foreseeable future.
Bring your Scoutbooks- there are always Scouts and Adult Leaders available for signoffs
Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me an email!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card.  Not the parent!

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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