ZOOM meeting 7:00 to 8:30
Well, we had a good run this summer and fall, but the state of VA has issued guidelines restricting numbers of in person meetings, so we will have Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future. Thanks Covid.
For tomorrows meeting:
Password:  131
Has 6 Months gone by?  Well yes it has.  Elections will be held tomorrow!  Be sure to be there to elect the new SPL and Patrol Leaders, and look for positions for your next rank and to help the troop out!
Dues are Due! 
2021 dues are due.  As a reminder, the troop pays all dues for recharter (we are undergoing right now), which means if you don’t pay your Scout’s dues, then you will have to re-apply next year (which is a HUGE pain). Please see Mr. Van Goethems email from last week
We never want the ability to pay dues to stand in the way of the Scouting experience.  If you would like a scholarship, please contact me or any Adult Leader directly and we’ll take care of it!
Wreath Sales
THANK YOU EVERYONE!  You all did a tremendous job this year selling wreaths, and this helps support this outstanding Troop into the future!!  Over $13,000 in sales!
No Meeting November 30 – Buuut we’ll have BOR’s
We will not have a regular meeting on November 30, but if you would like a Board of Review then please contact Mrs. Haymes at
Small Group Camping – December 4-6
Although we don’t do a Troop outing in December, the first years are planning a limited-numbers trip to Gore VA from December 4-6. They would like a couple of older scouts to come with them if you have the weekend free!  It’s a bit farther away – 2.5 hours.  If you are interested please contact Mr.
Scouting for Food
We are rescheduling this for January.  More to come!
Service Opportunity

Are you looking for service opportunities/hours?  If you have suggestions for Service please contact our Service Co-Coordinators Mrs. Mulvaney and Mrs. Workman at:

Adult Leadership:

Thank you so much to our Adult Leaders:

Still Looking for an Activities Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator!  Please let us know if you could help out!

Zooms for now.  Grrrrrrrr Covid….
Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me an email!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card.  Not the parent!

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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