2021-03-01 This Week: Zoom meeting, Patrol Outings
2020-05-22 This Week (May 22): T131 No Meeting on Memorial Day
, Scoutmaster Update
NO meeting on Memorial Day – remember those who served! Welcome Alex Heckel as the new SPL!! NCAC Capitol...
2023-01-16 This Week: NO Meeting
, Scoutmaster Update
Good evening all, Sorry for the last-minute reminder but there is no meeting tonight due to the federal holiday....
2024-01-21 This Week: Troop Meeting, PLC, Pack 135, Freeze-O-Ree, Aidan Bolte Eagle Court of Honor, NYLT, IOLS, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope you had a good weekend, survived the cold weather and enjoyed the snow! PLC, TROOP MEETING &...
2022-02-14 This Week: Troop meeting, Winter Camping
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope everyone is well and happy Valentine’s Day! IN PERSON MEETING: We will have an in person meeting...
2022-12-19 This Week: Troop Meeting, Sean Mulvaney Eagle Project, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Short email from me tonight. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and if you saw the world cup...
2023-07-09 This Week: Troop Meeting, Flight School, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I am looking forward to the FBI tour tomorrow and the approximately dozen scouts who will be going on...
2022-07-03 This Week: No Meeting, Goshen Update, Horseback Riding Trip, First Aid Kit, Adult Volunteers, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Just a reminder, we will not have a meeting on Monday...
2024-04-14 This Week: Troop Meeting, New Scout Patrol Assignments, Nathan Wells Eagle Project, Arbor Day Service Project, ILOS, Eagle Scholarships, Summer Camp-Sign-up, Climboree, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, hope you are well and enjoyed your weekend! The skateboarding was a great success last week and thank...
Upcoming Events
Recent Posts
- 2024-09-08 This Week: Troop Meeting, Committee Meeting, Climbing Rock Enon, David Lloyd Eagle Project Will Roger, District Camporee, Naval Academy, Merit Badge, Youth Mental First Aid Class, Adult Training, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-09-07 Eagle Court of Honor 7 Sep 2024
- 2024-08-31 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Nathan Wells Eagle, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-10 Will Roger Memorial Conservation Project
- 2024-08-24 This Week: Troop Meeting, Court of Honor, Box of Destiny, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead