
Troop 131,

I hope you are well and enjoyed your weekend.  We have a busy month coming up with lots of activities, so be sure to sign up!


We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill!

We were hoping to have the meeting at Velocity, however, unfortunately we were not able to make this work out, so we will have a meeting at our typical locations.


For all the scouts going to camp, see note and link below from Tadgh. Please take a moment to vote on the T-shirts.

Since we need the T-Shirts voted on soon in order to get the shirts in time for Goshen, I made a google form for the scouts to vote for their three favorite shirts. It’s been shared with you, so once they answer you’ll be able to view the responses. Would you mind sending this to the troop in an email soon? We need the shirts voted on soon. Thanks!


 Tadhg Devlin


I am pleased to announce that we have an additional scout bridging over from Webelos and joining the troop, Anjan Tatel from Pack 614.  As a result, we will have enough to form a new patrol!  The new patrol will include the following scouts:

Simon Macek

Sami Lipke

Quinn Ziemann

Rhys Devlin

Martin Shea

Anjan Tatel

Anjan will not join us for a few more weeks, however, I am going ask these scouts to meet as a patrol moving forward, start thinking about what you will want to name your patrol!  Once you select something, we will order patrol patches for you all and you can make a patrol flag!

In addition, and thanks to the recruiting efforts of Arthur Dalton we have another scout who is returning to Scouting, Sam Cantrell.  He will join the Mustachios patrol.



I have been a bit liberal in giving away scout neckerchiefs to veteran scouts that misplaced theirs. I am trying to put an order in for new ones, however, if any of the scouts happen to have extras, then can I ask that you bring them to the next meeting.



See note below from Mr. Grocki (  Even if you are not going on the bike and camping trip, I encourage you all to go on this day’s ride!

Troop 131,

We’ll be doing a ride next Saturday to prepare for the bike camping trip in a few weeks.  You don’t have to be going on the camping trip to participate in this ride.  Just email me to let me know if you want to join and we’ll meet at the north end of Commonwealth Ave by Four Mile Run.  Please bring your bike, helmet, water, and any snacks you’ll want for a 1 – 2hr ride.  From the meetup point we’ll get onto the Four Mile Run Trail and take it out to the WO&D trail for about 10 total miles (5 out and 5 back).  

Again, please email me so I know how many people to expect and let me know if you have any questions.  If we can work out the logistics, we’ll meet up with the GW Trail hiking crew after the ride for a picnic or ice cream.

Chris Grocki


DAY HIKE- George Washington Trail

If biking is not your thing, then how about hiking!  See note below from Mr. Mulvaney!

Anyone interested in hiking part of the George Washington Trail next Saturday, May 11th?  

Sean Mulvaney is preparing for Philmont and starting to put some miles on.

According to the newest Hiking Merit Badge requirements (

Scouts need to complete 4 ten-mile hikes, and a 20 miler.  The GW Trail is a great starter hike, it has good scenery, and is pretty flat, and well maintained. 

Also, if you just wanted to do a warm up, we could get a couple scouts to split the hike in half, one (or some) could hike (let’s be honest, this one is really just a long walk on the GWT) for 5 miles, and then meet up with others at the 5 mile mark and hike up to mile 10.

Now, if we get really creative, we can plan it out so that the hikers finish up at the same time and place with the Bike Riders who are doing a shakedown ride on that same day in the same area, and have a T-131 picnic (or recoup ice cream party) at the end of it all.  That is just a hair brained scheme I thought of with zero planning behind it YET.  

Let me know if anyone is interested in joining Sean and I’ll get you the details.


Brendan Mulvaney



See email below from Mr. Mulvaney.  We have wanted (and tried once before) to make this trip happen.  I know that this will be the time and it will be an amazing trip.  There are three parts to this trip and while we recommend that you participate in all three you certainly can opt out of one.

Saturday May 18th – Sunday May 19th

Bike Camping Trip on the C&O Canal

Meet at Swain’s Lock (Mile 16 just past Great Falls Tavern and Billy Goat Trail) @ 0900.  We’ll do an out and back ride of at least 20mi, camp Saturday night and do another short ride Sunday morning.  There is an option for Scouts to camp only, however preference will be given to bikers depending on the amount of interest and size of the campsite.

Parents, we’ll need drivers who can transport bikes and camping gear!

Due to harder than normal logistics for this one, we are asking everyone to sign up early!  We really cannot have any last-minute sign-ups as we must arrange transportation of the gear and bikes.

A big thank you to Mr. Grocki (with support from Mr. Gross and Mr. Jay) for organizing this activity.

Who: Everyone with a sense of adventure who loves the outdoors (i.e. SCOUTS!!!!)
What: Riding into the sunset (or at least along the canal)
When: SAT 18 May – Sun 19 May 2024 (Just Sat & Sun this month!)
Where: C&O Canal
Why: Let’s Ride!

Cost: $20 Each

And there is a Biking Merit Badge (

Sign up at:



We need at least two ILOS trained adults on every camping trip.  I know we had one parent who just completed their ILOS training recently, but I would certainly encourage anyone who wants to camp with the troop to consider taking the training.

There is an upcoming session on June 15th and 16th.  See information below:

06/15-16 – Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

This training is for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, Associate Crew Advisors who need to complete their program-specific training requirements, as well as those other adult volunteers who want to help with the outdoor program activities and basic advancement skills. 



The early bird pricing has unfortunately passed; however, it is still not too late to sign up!  We have 15 scouts and 4 adults who are attending, and it should be a lot of fun! Not to mention, four of your Troop mates will be counselors at Olmstead again this year!

Please contact Mrs. Lacayo if you would like to go!


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, May 6th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, May 11th – Shakedown Bike Ride – Four Mile Run

Saturday, May 11th – DAY HIKE- George Washington Trail

Monday, May 13th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday May 17th – 19th    – OA Conclave – Camp Snyder

Saturday May 18th – 19th    Camping – Biking Trip – C&O Canal

Monday, May 20th – Swim Test – 7:30 PM – Chinquapin Park Req. Center

Monday, May 27th – No Troop Meeting – Memorial Day

Monday, June 3rd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (ELECTIONS) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday June 7th – 9th     Camping – Canoe Trip – TBD

Monday, June 10th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC)(BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, June 17th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Sunday June 23rd – Start of Summer Camp

Monday, June 24th – No Troop Meeting

Saturday June 29th – End of Summer Camp

©2024 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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