TROOP MEETING We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday. SERVICE PROJECT- PUMPKIN CLEAN...
Archive for category: Scoutmaster Update
Weekly message from the Troop 131 Scoutmaster
2023-10-29 This Week: Troop Meeting, Scouting for Food, Wreath Sale, High Adventure, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateI hope you are all doing well. Sorry for the late email, just rolled back into town after being...
2023-10-22 This Week: Camporee Recap, Troop Meeting, Summer Camp Coordinator, Scouting for Food, Wreath Sale, High Adventure, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateI hope you are all doing well this breezy Sunday afternoon. Sorry for the long email, however, there is...
2023-10-15 This Week: Troop Meeting & BOR, Camporee, Summer camp coordinator, Wreath Sale, High Adventure, Scouting for Food, One MonthLook-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateI hope everyone is doing well. Thank you to all the scouts and adults who showed up on Saturday...
Just a reminder, due to the federal holiday today, there is no scout meeting tonight. We will meet as...
2023-10-01 This Week: PLC, Troop Meeting, Wreath Sale, Pumpkin Patch, Scouting for Food, Annual Fees One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateI hope everyone is doing well. I just flew into town this afternoon after being away for the last...
2023-09-25 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Pumpkin Patch, Annual Fees, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateUnfortunately, the Alive service project was canceled on Saturday, but thank you to the Scouts and Adults who volunteered to help. ...
2023-09-17 This Week: Troop Meeting, Annual Fees, Parents Meeting, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateI hope everyone was able to get outside yesterday and enjoy the amazing fall weather! See note below from...
2023-09-10 This Week: Troop Meeting, Car Wash, Registration, OA Fellowship, Annual Fees, Backpacking, Service Projects, Parents Meeting, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTROOP MEETING We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday. The meeting will focus on Backpacking...
2023-09-03 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Woggles, Car Wash, Backpacking, Service Project, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateNO TROOP MEETING We will not have a troop meeting on Monday and in observance of Labor Day. However, there are...
Upcoming Events
Recent Posts
- 2025-03-15 Shooting Sports Weekend
- 2025-02-08 This Week: Troop Meeting, BOR, PLC, ILST, Public Speaking, Summer Camp, University of Scouting, One Month Look Ahead
- 2025-02-01 This Week: Troop Meeting, Scout Sunday, John Wells Eagle Project, Caving Trip, Summer Camp, University of Scouting, One Month Look Ahead
- 2025-02-07 Caving
- 2025-01-26 This Week: Troop Meeting, Scout Sunday, John Wells Eagle Project, Caving Trip, Summer Camp, University of Scouting, Merit Badge Opportunities, One Month Look Ahead