Just a troop meeting tonight!
2020-05-11 This Week (May 11): T131 Troop Meeting
2022-09-25 This Week: Troop Meeting, Car Wash, Recap, Service Projects, Merit Badge Counselors, Outdoor Code, Emergency Prep, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, Sorry for the delay in getting this email out late, for some reason Google Groups was having...
2023-10-09 This Week: Reminder – No Troop Meeting Tonight
, Scoutmaster Update
Just a reminder, due to the federal holiday today, there is no scout meeting tonight. We will meet as...
2023-03-05 This Week: Troop Meeting, Cook Off, Goshen Parents Meeting, Activities Interest Survey, Backpacking Roaring Run, Parent and Committee Meeting, Order of the Arrow Elections, Summer Camp, One Month Look-ahead.
, Scoutmaster Update
TROOP MEETING/COOK OFF: We will have an in-person Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday. This is the last meeting before...
This Week (Sept. 2): Roaring Run, Camporee, Merit Badge Counselors
, Scoutmaster Update
Roaring Run Backpacking Trip – September 14/15 This will be the first true backpacking trip for many of the...
2020-07-12 This Week (July 12): T131 – Corey’s Project, Service Coordinator, Backpacking
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping
Outside Troop Meeting! The last troop meetings have been successful and safe! Join us again at the FBC outside auditorium Monday...
2023-04-09 This Week: Troop Meeting, Camping and Fishing Trip, Eagle Projects, Summer Camp, ILOS, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope everyone had a great spring break and wishing everyone a happy Passover, Easter, and Ramadan. TROOP MEETING...
2020-11-02 This Week: Court of Honor, Scouting for Food, Dues are Due, Wreath Sales
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
Court of Honor 7:30 PM Monday! Please join us for a masked, outdoor, Court of Honor for the Scouts...
2022-04-23 This Week: Troop meeting at Velocity, June Rafting Trip, Goshen, New Scouts Welcome Letter, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful spring day and that that the troop is...
Upcoming Events
Recent Posts
- 2024-12-15 This Week: BoR, Troop Meeting, Ben Moore Eagle, Activity Plan, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-12-08 This Week: PLC, Troop Meeting, Election Results, Patrol Woggles, Activity Plan One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-12-01 This Week: Troop Meeting, Reorganize Patrols, Elections, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-11-24 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Elections and Wreath Sales
- 2024-11-17 This Week: Troop Meeting, BINGO, Elections, Membership Update, Scuba, Philmont, One Month Look-ahead