In person meeting – 7:00pm to 8:30 pm
We’ll be outside or on Zoom for the foreseeable future, let’s enjoy the fall weather!
Campfire – 
The Pythons stepped up last meeting with an awesome campfire.  As a reminder, for every outdoor meeting, we will have a small campfire.  Each week a patrol will be chosen to show up early and start the fire, then douse it at the end of the meeting.
This will help you with your fire building skills as well as providing light and warmth.
This week’s Patrol – THE PLATYPI  Please be at the church at 6:30 to start the fire.  Don’t forget to bring matches and maybe some tinder!
October 24 Troop Camporee
See Mr. Jahns email, We’ll be going to Camp Wilson on October 24 for our version of a camporee.  Initiative games, signoffs, and a Monkey Bridge are on the list of the fun we’ll be having.  We’ll cook dinner as a troop, and some Webelos will join us as well!  This will be a Saturday day activity and Saturday night camp only.
Service Opportunity

Are you looking for service opportunities/hours? Here are some dates & details on up coming community service cleanups In FAIRFAX County.  If you are interested in attending, be sure to sign up at the link below and please let me know so I can try to connect any Troop 131 families that are also attending.

Fairfax County Park Cleanups are scheduled:

To register and to get all the latest details on locations, dates and times, go to the Volunteer in the Parks page.

Don’t forget to let Samantha Mulvaney know you’ll be attending so I can connect families and let you know a point of contact for the date you choose.

Adult Leadership Change:

Exciting things happening for the Troop!  Many adults have stepped up to support the Troop!

Service Co-Coordinators – Samantha Mulvaney and Shelby Workman

Goshen Coordinator – Mark Ramirez

Webmaster – Brendan Mulvaney

and….Kevin Jahns as the new Committee Chair!  Thank you Mr. Leary for your years of service!  We’ll keep the legacy going!.

Still Looking for an Activities Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator!  Please let us know if you could help out!

Bring your headlamps – it’s getting dark earlier!  NOTE:
We will continue meeting outside for the foreseeable future.
Bring your Scoutbooks- there are always Scouts and Adult Leaders available for signoffs
Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me an email!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card.  Not the parent!

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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