2021-05-03 This Week: In Person, Canoeing, Service

2024-09-22 This Week: Troop Meeting- Skateboarding, Climboree Volunteers, Service Projects, Will Roger, District Camporee, Naval Academy, Merit Badge, Adult Training, Merit Badge Counselors, NYLT, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Hope you are doing well and had a good weekend! Thank you to all the parents that joined the...
2022-09-25 This Week: Troop Meeting, Car Wash, Recap, Service Projects, Merit Badge Counselors, Outdoor Code, Emergency Prep, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, Sorry for the delay in getting this email out late, for some reason Google Groups was having...
2022-01-17 This Week: No Troop meeting, Schedule Updates, PLC, Service Opportunities, University of Scouting
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope everyone is enjoying the latest round of SNOW on this MLK long weekend. Just a reminder we...
2023-11-08 November Patrol Outings
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131 Scouts and Parents, A special mid-week edition of my email. As you all know, since we had two...
2023-07-30 This Week: Troop Meeting, Orienteering Trip Fall Calendar, Flight School, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for the late email, we are still trying to recover from the power...
2024-11-10 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Membership Update, Scuba, Philmont, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
It was a good service weekend for the troop and thank you to all of you that came out...
This Week (Jan. 27): Cook-off, Skiing, Merit Badge Jamboree
, Scoutmaster Update
MLK Day of Service Project: Trail Cleanup and Pruning 1/21/19 Wow! It was cold, but we had quite a...
2020-02-09 This Week (Feb. 9): Cold Weather Camping, New Scouts
, Scoutmaster Update
Apologies for no email last week. Our system was down and it didn’t go out. We had a PLC...
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- April 2025 Fishing and Hiking @ Whiskey Hollow
- 2025-03-09 This Week: PLC, Troop Meeting, Shooting Trip, Committee Meeting, Sea Base, Order of the Arrow, Summer Camp, One Month Look Ahead
- 2025 Troop 131 Spring Committee Meeting – 13 Mar
- 2025-03-02 This Week: Court of Honor, Shooting Trip, Summer Camp, One Month Look Ahead
- 2025-02-23 This Week: Troop Meeting, Shooting Trip, Summer Camp, Public Speaking Merit Badge, One Month Look Ahead