2020-08-09 This Week (August 9): T131 – Troop Meeting, Scout Skills

2021-02-01 This Week: Zoom Meeting
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
ZOOM meeting – 7 pm Adult Leadership: Thank you so much to our Adult Leaders: Brendan Mulvaney is now...
2020-08-23 This Week (August 23): Thomas’ COH at 7pm , Rock Climbing
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Climbing
Thomas Haymes Eagle Scout Court of Honor- 7:00pm Please join us to honor Thomas at 7:00 pm for his...
This Week (May 12): Canoeing, Life To Eagle
, Scoutmaster Update
May 18-19 – Canoeing on the Shenandoah River The last day to sign up is Tomorrow! Respond to Mr....
2023-08-05 This Week: Troop Meeting, Board of Review, Donated Gear, Parents Meeting, Orienteering Trip Fall Calendar, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
TROOP MEETING We will have an in-person Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday. This is the last...
2024-08-24 This Week: Troop Meeting, Court of Honor, Box of Destiny, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, I hope that you all had a great first week of school. Congratulations to those that went...
2021-02-08 This Week: Zoom Meeting, Patrol Outings, Silver Beaver Award
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
ZOOM meeting – 7 pm Patrol Outings Time to get Outdoors! We will talk about this more in the...
2020-10-25 This Week (October 25): Zoom Meeting, Dues are Due, Wreath Sales, Court of Honor
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Camporee, Eagle
Zoom Meeting- 7:00pm to 8:30 pm We will have a Zoom meeting tomorrow night. The link is https://cbre.zoom.us/j/94617931670?pwd=dUlmNUdkSmZJSUdXUjNWemY5enB4UT09; The...
2021-07-19 This Week: NO Meeting
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
Just a reminder, with many of the older scouts at Philmont and most of the Goshen group (still) recovering...
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