
Troop 131,

We will have an in-person Troop meeting Monday at 7:00PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill.  Note, we are still in summer hours.

There will be a PLC, however, it will happen after the Eagle Court of Honor.



As many of you know, Patrick Hoover completed his Eagle Board of Review in December. Before he leaves for school, his family would like to commemorate this at our Monday troop meeting. I know that it is the first day of school for many of you, however, we reserved a big portion of the meeting for this purpose.  I encourage everyone to come participate.



Mr. Roger has volunteered again to teach Youth Leadership Training to all the Scout leaders in the troop.  He did this last year and everyone (even if you took it last year) would benefit from attending.

The SPL, ASP’s, PL’s and APLs are all expected to attend!

We have scheduled this for August 27th (aka, the first Saturday morning after school starts). The program typically starts and 9:00 and runs about 3 hours.  We will meet in the upper conference room at Immanuel Church on the Hill.



Per the Email from Mr. Jahns, the troop court of honor is next week!  I hope you will join us; we have lot of awards and recognition to announce!


To all Troop 131 scouts, volunteers, and your families, 

Please join us for our end of summer Court of Honor & Picnic! 


Monday, August 29th @ 7 PM

Immanuel Church on the Hill – 3606 Seminary Rd. 

Behind the church weather permitting – otherwise in our usual meeting hall


Please enjoy dinner with our scouts and their families and see our scouts get recognized for all the great things they have done since our March Court of Honor! 

This will replace our normal weekly meeting this week


The troop will provide burgers and dogs. 

Please sign up below to contribute drinks, sides, or desserts!


Bring a chair too please so we can spread out! 


Any questions, please let me know. 

Hope to see you on the 20th! 



Kevin Jahns



See below from NCAC and let me know if your Scout is interested in joining this weekend session and the ability to earn three merit badges! It is just around the corner and at the Washington Marina (in Virginia and just north of Old Town on the GW Parkway).

If you want more information, be sure to click on the link at the very end.



Register here online.


Point of Contact:
Matt Hardy, Ship 1942 Mate


Sea Scout Ship 1942’s Merit Badge Afloat weekend is an opportunity for Scouts BSA scouts to earn three merit badges (Small‐Boat Sailing, Weather, and Oceanography), be introduced to Sea Scouts, and learn more about the activities of Sea Scout Ship 1942.


The courses will be offered Saturday, September 10, 2022; 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sunday, September 11, 2022; 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., at Washington Sailing Marina located at 1 Marina Drive, Alexandria, VA 22314. The marina is located off the GW Parkway, just South of Ronald Reagan National Airport.

The cost is $100 per scout.


More information can be found here online. 



If you want to go, please sign-up!

Join us at Camp Rock Enon on September 16-18, 2022 for an NCAC family camping weekend open to all ages! Enjoy the best climbing on natural rock on a Scout camp close to DC. Hike to scenic Pinnacle Rock on the Tuscarora Trail. Relax at a wooded campsite with nearby restrooms and showers.


Climbing Merit Badge

Climb and rappel on Camp Rock Enon’s massive sandstone climbing wall. Climbs for Scouts BSA and older range from beginner to advanced with rappelling. Experienced climbing instructors will coach you on climbing technique. Work on the Climbing merit badge or Ranger Mountaineering elective.

Hike to sweeping views at Pinnacle Rock. Walk the nature trail. Learn backpacking skills from the High Adventure team. Complete most of Camping merit badge Req. 9 with two nights of camping, a hike gaining 1000+ ft. of elevation, a rappel, and a conservation project.


$25 per Scout, $30 for Adults


Remember- You Can Use Scout Accounts to pay for this.  Check with the Treasurer for your Scout’s current balance.  All you have to do is sign up!!!

BUT YOU HAVE TO SIGN UP!!!  Because the Troop has to register and spaces are limited for this unique event.  We want everyone available to go, it’ll be a great time. So sign up ASAP

All you have to do is sign up!!!

Climb-O-Ree Sign Up Form

The boys need to wear long pants and sturdy shoes with a heel!



Parents, we need your help!  It takes a lot to keep this troop together and active.  Even if you don’t have time to be in one of the more active positions, there some one-off tasks.  Please consider volunteering to one of the activities below:

We need help with:

Car Wash

o   The troop has been able to cover or defer many of the costs over the last two years of Covid, while we are still in good shape financial, this has depleted our reserves.

o   Therefore, it is time for a fundraiser, we are looking for an adult to help organize this effort.

o   We’ve had good luck with these in the past and have supplies and can probably do it at the church. If you’re willing to organize it for us, please contact Mr. Jahns.


Health Forms

o   We need an audit of the troop health forms and reconcile with our current roster.

o   The forms need to be updated every year.

o   We need to a volunteer to review the box and contact parents if we need an updated form.

We also need adult volunteers:

·        To sit on the committee and be available for Board of Reviews

·        Additional ASM’s to go on camping trips

·        High Adventure and Jamboree Planning- we are in the beginning stages of putting together a long-range high adventure/jamboree calendar for next two years and for the “big trips”. Nothing is set in stone right now, but these trips take a long time to plan, and fund raise and below is what we are considering.  We need a volunteer to help explore interest, logistics and ultimately to help with the planning.


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

For your use, I attached the current version of the troop calendar to this email as well as list the next month’s activities below.


Monday, August 22nd – First Day of School- Troop Meeting- 7:00 PM (PLC)– Immanuel Church on the Hill (Patrick Hoover- Eagle Court of Honor)

Saturday August 27th – Youth Leadership Training- Immanuel Church on the Hill (upper conf. room)

Monday August 29th – Court of Honor- Family Picnic- 7:00

Monday, Sept. 5th – No Troop Meeting – Federal Holiday

Monday, September 12th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill (back to regular hours)

Friday, September 16th – 18th – Camporee/Climboree– Rock Climbing & Camping

Monday, September 19th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, September 26th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 3rd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill



Bring your Mask and uniform!  Bring your Book, Bring a headlamp!  Leave your phone in your pocket! and have a good time!

Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me Mr. Ramirez an email (!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card, not the parent!

See you all at the troop meeting.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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