

We will have an in-person Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday.

This is the last meeting before the Orienteering trip (see below), so be sure to sign up if you have not already done so.

We will focus on orienteering skills and camping preparation at the meeting.  After a week of cooking at Bowman this year, I expect all the patrols to have raised their game with respect to cooking!

Please bring your compass (this is one of the 10 essentials) to the meeting.  The troop has a few extra that you may borrow if you don’t have one, however, at some point I recommend that you purchase your own (write your name on it).  Every scout should have a magnetic compass.  We recommend the flat “base plate compass” as opposed to the flip up lensatic/prismatic or mirrored compass.


We only have two meetings before the August 24th Board of Review.  If you need a Scoutmaster conference or only have a few requirements left to complete/sign off, then this is the time to do it.  As a reminder to the younger scouts please reach out to one of the older scouts (First Class and above) and not the adults if you need something reviewed/signed off in your book.




Thanks to a friend of the Mulvaney family, we received a large supply of donated camping gear.  All of it is in very good shape.  The troop will keep some of it for communal use, however, the rest is currently in the shed and any Scout who is interested may claim it.  Please talk to the Quartermaster (Theo) and he can distribute.


The following is the list of donated camping gear.


  • Full Backpack
  • Diving Gear
  • (2) Tents
  • (3) Sleeping Bags
  • Sleeping Back Liner
  • Mess Kit
  • (3) Stuff Sacks
  • (2) Set of Rain Gear
  • Match Box
  • (2) Mosquito Nets
  • Day Pack



For the parents, see note below from Kevin Jahns.  We hope that you can attend!

I hope you all are enjoying your summer! I wanted to update everyone on a few things and get some items on your calendars.  

Parent / Committee Meeting – September 20th

Please also mark your calendars and plan to attend our fall Parent & Committee Meeting on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:30 PM via Zoom.

All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. This is your chance to find out all that is going on with the troop, get any questions you may have answered and maybe find a way you can help. 

Link –

Passcode – T131


New Requirement for Camping Adult Volunteers

As our Outings Chair, Brendan Mulvaney, mentioned previously, the BSA has a new requirement that ALL adults who camp with the troop even for one night must be officially registered with the troop. This change is effective on September 1st. If you plan to camp with the troop, please take the time to complete the registration process as soon as possible. We can register you as a Unit Participant which would not include any other responsibilities (until you are ready!). 

You can use the link below which will walk you through the process.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you have completed the application process.  


Any questions on any of this or anything else with the troop, please let me know. 


Thank you! 

Kevin Jahns

Committee Chair 





See message below from Mr. Mulvaney!  Please sign up if you are going to attend, it should be a good trip!

Who:  All Adventures
What: Orienteering Trip
When: Fri 11 Aug – Sun 13 Aug 2023
Where: Lake Fairfax Park
Why: Not all those who wander are lost
Cost: Just $20

 We are super excited about a new place to try our Orienteering Skills.  We are working on the final details, but wanted to get the basic info out first so you can start planning and put it on your calendars.  We will go out and camp Friday night.  Saturday is planned to be the introduction, skills building, and practice.  And then the real event is on Sunday from 09:00-12:30.  So the SCOUTS will need to have a plan for breakfast on Sunday in addition to all the ‘regular’ meals.

 Orienteering is an outdoor sport suitable for all ages and fitness levels; basically, it’s like a scavenger hunt in which you use a detailed map to find checkpoints (“controls”) that have been placed at locations marked on the map. You will learn the basics of orienteering from experienced instructors and then apply your newly acquired skills on one of two beginner-level orienteering courses. Participants can orienteer solo or in small groups of up to four people.

 Both the White and Yellow courses are for beginners. They will follow linear features such as roads, trails, edges of fields, or streams. Checkpoints for the White course will be set on the linear feature. The longer Yellow course checkpoints will be placed either on or a short distance from linear features. Going off trail is allowed on both courses, but legs on the Yellow course are set to encourage it.


Make sure you bring a camelback, canteen, or other way to carry water with you.

And of course- there is a Merit Badge!!!  Be sure to ask for your Blue Card ahead of time

Orienteering Merit Badge



Just a reminder on how to make payments for Dues or other Outdoor Activities.  They can be made in several ways:

  • Checks delivered at the Monday Meeting to the Treasurer or Committee Chair- they should be made payable to “BSA Troop 131.”  Please put in the notes the activity you are paying for.
  • Credit Cards at the Monday Meeting (if the treasurer is in attendance) – Processed by the Troop Treasurer
  • ZelleAccount Transfer:
  • Name: TreasurerT131
  • Email: Treasurer@T131.Org  
  •      Please put in the notes what activity you are paying for.

Zelle is the easiest and most seamless.

What should I wear?
Orienteering is basically walking or running in the woods so wear whatever you’ll find comfortable for that and appropriate for the weather. We generally recommend long pants to protect your legs from such things as thorns and insects. Long sleeves are also helpful, again depending on the weather and your preference. In cold weather, it is advisable to wear multiple thin layers of clothing so you can take layers off if you overheat. Rain gear may also be a good idea if there’s any likelihood of precipitation in the forecast. A change of clothes for afterward is also usually a good idea, particularly in inclement weather.

What kind of shoes are appropriate?
For beginner courses, any shoe you can comfortably walk or run in and don’t mind possibly getting dirty. Hiking shoes or running shoes will be fine. Beyond the beginner courses, many people wear trail running shoes for more traction and some buy orienteering-specific shoes, which have aggressive cleats and usually also small metal studs in the soles.

What other equipment should I bring?
A compass if you have one. It’s used more on intermediate and advanced courses, but can come in handy on beginner courses too. If you don’t have one, compasses are available to borrow at registration at no charge. A photo ID is required as security deposit and a $15 charge will be assessed for any lost compass.
It’s a good idea for each individual or group to carry a whistle, to be used only in an emergency.
Each individual or group should have a watch to ensure that they return to the finish by the required course closing time (more on this later).


Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131




Sending this out one final time!

We have exciting activities in store for you for the fall.  See attached calendar of events through the end of the year.  Just a few highlights to point out:

  • We will have our traditional end of summer Family Picnic and Court of Honoron 8/28.  This is a lot of fun and a great way to celebrate all the work you accomplished at summer camp and throughout the past six months.
  • Mr. Mills has agreed to reprise his role as Ringleader of the Car-Wash,and we will have another fundraiser in September.  We made well over $1,000 last year and we hope to match that again this year … btw .. .did I mention that we also had a lot of fun that day!
  • September will include a Backpacking Tripand we will go to an old favorite- Mudhole Gap
  • October is a PACKED Month with two major activities:

o   The first is the Climboree- which includes an extra day of camping as it is over a three-day weekend!

o   The second is the Colonial District Camporee. Scouts, we will need full attendance at this event as we have been asked to organize the activities for the day.  The theme is Conservation and many of the meetings in the fall will be geared to prepare for this. So please put a big Red Circle around the weekend of October 20th– this is one weekend that I ask you to keep open for Scouting!

  • In November and since we have two major events in October, we decided to try something a little different. The weekend of November 17this dedicated to a Patrol Outing.  In other words, each patrol will decide and plan (with adult help) their own activity.  While I hope you all go camping, if you want to see a Movie, have a pizza party, take a day hike, etc … it is up to you.  However, you must do something.  Adult leaders, we may need more involvement this weekend from you, as we need two deep adult leadership for each patrol/activity.


It should be a fun and exciting fall!



SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, August 7th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday August 11th – 13th – Camping Trip – Orienteering- Lake Fairfax

Monday, August 14th – Troop Meeting (PLC) – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, August 21st – Troop Meeting (ACPS First Day) (BoR) – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, August 28th – Court of Honor and Family Picnic – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday September 4th – No Meeting Federal Holiday – Labor Day

Saturday September 9th – Troop 131 Car wash and Fundraiser- – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, September 11th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday September 15th – 17th – Backpacking Trip – Mudhole Gap

Monday, September 18th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Wednesday, Sept 20th   Committee and Parents Meeting- 7:30 – Virtual

Monday September 25th  – No Troop Meeting- (ACPS- No School)

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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