

We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday.



See note below from Mr. Moore.  Thank you to all the scouts and adults who helped with both the cleanup and the pick-up!  A big thank you also to Mr. Moore, who once again spearheaded our scouting for food efforts and helped keep us organized!



Troop 131’s 2023 Scouting for Food efforts were a great success.  Over the two days of the event (flyer drop off 10/28 and food pickup 11/4) 34 scouts and 16 adults volunteered a total of 52.5 hours of time collecting 626 pounds of food for those in need.  Well done team!



For those that don’t know, every year we have to recharter the troop with Council and BSA National.  This is a big effort and requires quite a bit of paperwork, email with parents, and coordination with the Church/Council.  Another big thank you to Mr. Jahns, who once again made this happen and ensured that we are again properly chartered.  Just some facts below:


  • We re-chartered

o   47 Scouts

o   34 adult volunteers (thank you adults!) (we also have three more in process!)

o   New adults include:

  • Anastaisia Devlin as Committee Chair (Thank you!) 
  • Kathryn Farmer as a committee member (and in Scoutbook as the Advancement chair role)
  • Mike Farmer as ASM
  • Tim Heatherington as ASM
  • Daren Devlin as Unit Scouter Reserve

o   8 Scouts aged out

  • With the new council participation fees for scouts, our charter cost us just under $10,000! (also, a big thank you to our Treasurer Mr. Baldwin who helped reconcile the accounts and cut the big check!) 




Don’t forget to work on your Wreath Sales!  We have lots of great things planned for next year and the proceeds from the sales help fund this.  November 13th is nearly here. See message below from Mrs. Irwin, our wreath sales coordinator!  Remember the top three sellers get to put a whip cream pie on my face!

In addition, please volunteer to sell wreaths at Immanuel Church on the Hill.  Please see the email note and respond to Mrs. Irwin directly!


Hello Scout Families!  I hope this finds you well.


It’s that time of year where we are getting our Scouts ready for one of their biggest fundraisers – Evergreen Sales. Last Monday, all attending scouts received a set of sales materials including a clipboard with one order form; friends and family flyers attached to door hangers for houses where no one is home (your scout will need to fill out their information), and laminated brochures featuring this year’s selection of items. Also attached to the board will be an envelope for them to collect order forms and payments.  



We’re offering multiple ways for customers to pay this year: Cash, Check and Zelle – all preferred; and a QR code for credit card transactions, which though available, isn’t the best due to the fees the proceeds incur (3%).  

The sales window will be Monday, October 2 through Monday November 13th when I will need everything back to ensure we can get the final order to Evergreen. 

If you’re wondering how your Scout will benefit from participating:


  • First and foremost, your scout is going to learn some great skills… knocking on a door, introducing themselves and what they represent, and advocating for what they are striving to achieve.  
  • Second, they are going to EARN MONEY THEY CAN USE.  The proceeds from this don’t just go to the Troop – they go to individual scout accounts to help your scout pay for the adventures they seek to have. Backpacking, summer camp… all of it – 50% of their sales proceeds go to their individual accounts.  I know more than one scout last year was able to pay their way to Goshen with this.
  • Third, they’re doing a good turn and helping their troop!  The other 50% of the proceeds go to the troop.  All of those patches and badges, the scholarships, the picnics… all of that if funded partially through this fundraiser. 

Finally, we will also be partnering with our sponsoring church, Immanuel Church on the Hill this year, to do sales through the online portal and during coffee hours.  All proceeds from sales through the church will go 100% to the troop.  More information on signing up for volunteer hours will be coming soon.

Please feel free to reach out to me with questions… I’m happy to help if I can. 

All the best,

Andrea Irwin


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday November 6th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday November 13th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday Nov. 17th – 19th   – Patrol Outing or Camping Trip – Varies

Monday November 20th – No Troop Meeting (Thanksgiving Week)

Monday November 27th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday December 4th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (Elections) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday December 11th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday December 18th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday December 25th – No Troop Meeting- Winter Break

Monday December 25th – No Troop Meeting- New Year’s Day- Federal Holiday

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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