
We will have a PLC at 7:00 PM tomorrow and before the beginning of the meeting.  All troop leaders should attend and at least one Scout from each patrol (PL or APL)!  We will discuss the long-term calendar!

We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill on Monday!

This is the last meeting before the winter break, so let’s make it a good one.

Mr. Grocki (membership chair) has been reaching out to the Arrow of Light Scouts and surrounding Packs.  Our first visit will be from Pack 129 this week and include about 10 scouts.  We will need a few scouts’ volunteers (older and younger) to talk to the Arrow of Light Scouts and be their mentor for the meetings.

I will need to meet with the adults from the Pack during this time, so if you need a blue card or Scoutmaster conference, please ask one of the Assistant Scoutmasters!

We will have a Board of Review right after New Year (January 8th) so make good use of your time off from school and work on your Rank Advancement and Merit Badges!


The Alive Service project was this Saturday and thank you to the following adults and scouts who volunteered!  Many hands make light work on the crew finished early!

Scouts: Jay Setliff, Will Lacey, Ben Moore, Theo Ramirez, Sean Mulvaney.  

Adults: Tom Lacey, ASM Andrew Moore


  • First a very big thank you to Mrs. Irwin– who ran our wreath sale this year.  This is not an easy job, and she graciously gave up her time, energy, and garage (to store the wreaths) this year.
  • We are pleased to announce that the following scouts sold the most this year and are the ones who get to put a whip cream pie on my face!

o   Luke Irwin

o   Arthur Dalton

o   David Stayanoff

  • It was a good fundraising year and we sold $9,700 in Wreaths of which $3,861 goes to the troop and a portion for the Scout Accounts.
  • A portion of the money goes to the cost of wreaths, a portion to the troop and a portion to each individual person’s Scout Account.
  • As a result, a few scouts sold so many wreaths that they were able to put enough in their scout accounts to pay for most or ALL of summer camp … just saying!

ELECTIONS  (Courtesy of Mrs. Farmer)

Last week was another successful troop election and I am pleased to announce the following results. Thank you to all the scouts who volunteered for the leadership positions in the troop and congratulations to Gabe for his second term as SPL!

I was also very happy to see so many scouts volunteer to be Troop Guides!

Scouts, be sure to talk to Mrs. Farmer if you need new leadership patches for your uniform.

We still have a few positions to fill, so please volunteer if you don’t have a position.

  • SPL: Gabe Muldoon
  • ASPL: Tige Devlin
  • ASPL: Arthur Dalton
  • Nylon:

○       PL: John Wells

○       APL: Ethan Lacayo

  • Moose:

○       PL: Sean Mulvaney

○       APL: Noah Urcheck

  • Mustachios

○       PL: Josiah Baldwin

○       APL: Miles Jackson

  • Snapping Turtles

○       PL: Andy Devlin

○       APL: August Heckhuis

  • Goats

○       PL: Logan Bond

○       APL: Talis Saulski

  • Penguin Raiders

○       PL: Nate Horn

○       APL: Thomas Grocki

  • Leadership Positions:

○       Troop Guide: Nathan Wells

○       Troop Guide: Owen Farmer

○       Troop Guide: Luke Irwin

○       Troop Guide: Jonathan Nguyen

○       Quartermaster: Noah Urcheck

○       Scribe: (Need Volunteer)

○       Librarian: Jay Setliff

○       Chaplains Aid: David Stayanoff

○       Historian: Paul Loberg

○       Bugler: (Need Volunteer)

○       Order of the Arrow rep: Theo Ramirez

  • Other Available Leadership Positions.

○       Den Chief:

○       Outdoor Ethics Guide:


I just want to draw your attention to a recent email from one of our Service Coordinators, Mrs. Mulvaney, with an invitation to attend Ryan Mulvaney’s Eagle Court of Honor on December 30th.  Please RVSP if you would like to attend!

We would love to have you with us as we celebrate Ryan on December 30th.

Please RSVP directly to Samantha at:

The Mulvaney Family



For older scouts, just wanted to draw your attention to the National Youth Leadership training. This is a great way to improve your leadership skills!

Registration is open and there are multiple dates available.

National Capital Area Council – NYLT Summer 2024

SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS (Courtesy of Mr. Dalton)

As many of you know and because of Gabe paving the way two years ago, we had four scouts who were either counselors or counselors in training (CIT) at Goshen Camp Olmsted last summer.  I believe that many if not all of them plan on going back this summer!

For other scouts (14 and older) and who might be interested, the application process (for both Goshen and Snyder) is now open, see link below. While this may not be for everyone, I can say that the scouts who went loved the experience!

Goshen Scout Reservation and Camp William B. Snyder are hiring camp staff for Summer 2024! Looking for an awesome summer job? Need to get your teenager out of the house for the summer? Applications are open for a fulfilling summer teaching Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturers about Scout skills and outdoor adventure! Counselors-in-Training start at ages 14+, paid Instructors start at 15+, and our camps are also looking for those ages 18+ and 21+ for leadership and other specialized positions. Submit a staff application for any of the Goshen Scout Reservation camps at and submit a staff application for Camp William B. Snyder at Interviews begin in January. Apply by January 19th for a January interview date.

BALOO/IOLS TRAINING (Courtesy of Mr. Dalton)

While we are fortunate to have quite a few IOLS trained adults in the troop, it was not that long ago that we were worried about canceling camping trips because we did not have an IOLS trained adult available.  I would certainly encourage all the adults on the charter and who go camping with us to attend one of these future sessions.

We are in the Colonial District; however, we are free to attend training in any of the other BSA districts.  See below the link below for the Western Shore District (Calvert, Saint Mary’s, Charles Counties, MD) on the Council’s calendar for Saturday, 20 April 2024:

Nothing is yet listed for our district or close by, but we will forward information out when it becomes available.

SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday December 11th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill (Pack 129 visit)

Monday December 18th – No Troop Meeting- Winter Break

Monday December 25th – No Troop Meeting- Christmas- Federal Holiday

Saturday December 30th – Eagle Court of Honor- Ryan Mulvaney – Immanuel Church on the Hill 3:00

Monday January 1st – No Troop Meeting- New Year’s Day- Federal Holiday

Monday January 8th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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