

We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill!  We have a few candidates going up for their Board of Review so hopefully we will have a few new rank advancements to hand out at the end of the meeting!

PARENTS, we need your help, please consider volunteering to sit on the Board of Reviews, this is a great way to learn more about the troop and engage with the Scouts!  Please reach out to Katherine Farmer if you can attend!



See note below from Mr. Mulvaney, please sign up for the trip if you intend to go!

It is time for what T-131 does best- BACK—PACK–ING.  We are a backpacking Troop, and we are going back to basics.  Come one come all, it will be a great trip.


Who: All T-131 Scouts
Backpacking trip
When: Fri 16 Feb to Sun 18 Feb
Where: Appalachian Trail
Why: Troop-131 is a Backpacking Troop

Cost: Just $10 for everyone


This is a real backpacking trip, not car camping. So:

1- Patrols, talk about food plans tomorrow!

2- Think about your packs and how much to put in it

3- Talk about water options

4- Make a list of equipment you need (from the Scouts and from the Troop, or from the store)


Sign up so we can start the planning early- A Scout Is Prepared


Mr. Irwin has coordinated with the Local OA Lodge, and we have scheduled this year’s OA elections for Monday March 18th.

For the troop to hold a valid election we need to meet the following attendance requirements and rules:

·        At least ½ the troop must attend – in our case I believe this is 22-23 scouts.

·        To be elected to the Order – an eligible scout must receive ½ the votes of those in attendance.

·        For example, if 22 scouts attend, then an eligible scout must receive 11 votes.

·        Only scouts vote, adults are not eligible to vote even if they are in the OA.

·        All scouts can vote, both those that are currently in the OA and those that are not.

·        Scouts may vote for as many or as few candidates as they like.

·        A scout may vote for themselves.

·        The election will be administered by current OA scouts OUTSIDE of our troop.

·        Current OA members may wear their OA sashes on election day.

·        The order of the arrow is Scouts BSA Honor Society. Scouts should vote for candidates that they feel embody the best spirit of scouting and those scouts who follow the scout oath and law.

For a Scout to be eligible for the order of the arrow they must:

·        Embody the spirit of scouting.

·        Be the rank of First Class and above on election day.

·        Have camping experience (15 nights total with a minimum 5 long-term consecutive nights such as summer camp/high adventure experience within past 24 months).

Based on the above criteria the following scouts are eligible OA candidates this year:


Miles Jackson

Jonathan Nguyen

Noah Urchek

Josiah Baldwin

Luke Irwin

David Stayanoff

Arthur Dalton

Declan Heatherington (*)

Logan Bond (*)


(*) If First Class by election date, scheduled for Feb 2024 BOR, and qualified:

If you would like to remove yourself from the election list, then please reach out to Mr. Irwin.

If you feel that you are qualified and were inadvertently left off this list, then please reach out to Mr. Irwin and he can review the requirements with you.

Thank you, Mr. Irwin, for coordinating the election again this year!



Scouts BSA has a collection of four National High Adventure Scout Camps (Sea Base, Philmont, Northern Tier, and Summit/Bechtel) with programs that are a bit more challenging, and rewarding, than the usual summer camp experience.

As a result, and for the Summer of 2025, the troop has reserved a slot to send 6-8 scouts to the Sea Base – sailing program.

We would like to hear from both the scouts and parents that you are interested in the activity. The age minimum is 13, however, given the “Covid effect”, we will prioritize based on the age of the scout (older scouts first, as the younger scouts will have more time to participate before aging out).

More information will follow, however, here is the basic information concerning this trip.

·        Location: Florida Sea Base – 73800 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036

·        Program: Coral Reef Sailing

·        Dates: 8/6/2025-8/11/2025

·        Total Cost for a crew of 6-8: $10,200 (note that the total cost is the same for 6 or 8)

·        Minimum Cost per Scout: $1,275 (assumes 8 scouts- note the cost will be higher if the crew is smaller)

·        Additional Costs: $800 estimated- Airfare, Travel Money, T-shirts etc.

·        The payment schedule is as follows:

o   10% of Balance Due by June 1st 2024

o   50% of Balance Due by October 1st 2024

o   Final Payment = April 1st 2025

If you are interested and want to be kept on the info list, please fill out our T-131 form at:

Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131



For those Adults that are interested, the NCAC has an annual University Scouting Program on November 24th at Hayfield Secondary School.  I have gone several times in the past and it is a good way for you to learn new skills or dust the rust off old ones.  Be sure to look at the course catalog and note that Registration closes on February 18th.

It always amazes me how many adults are committed to scouting and this is a good way to meet with them.  See link below.


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday February 12th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday, February 16th– 18th – Winter Camping/Backpacking –

Monday, February 19th – No Troop Meeting – Federal Holiday – Presidents Day

Saturday, February 24th – University of Scouting – Hayfield Secondary School

Monday February 26th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (summer camp info meeting)- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, March 4th – Court of Honor – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, March 11th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Thursday, March 14th – Parent & Committee Meeting- 7:30 – Virtual

Monday, March 15th – 17th – Camping – Shooting Sports – Izaak Walton League – MD

Monday, March 18th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) (OA Elections) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday March 23rd – Scout Skills Saturday – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, March 25th – No Troop Meeting – Spring Break (ACPS & FCPS) 😊

Monday, April 1st – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (ACPS- No School) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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