
Troop 131,

Welcome back scouts!  I hope you all had a great time at Goshen- Camp Olmsted and I cannot wait to hear all the stories and experiences from camp!

I attached a few images (before boarding the bus, midweek and at the end of the week) that I received from Mr. Irwin and Ms. Lacayo for the benefit of the rest of the troop!




I want to reiterate a big thank you to Mrs. Lacayo for organizing the troop as well as Mr. Irwin, Mr. Grocki, Mr. Gross and Mr. Teixeira-Moffat for going down with the scouts to Goshen and camping with them this past week!


We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! 

Owen Farmer will be the acting SPL this week and I know he has a fun plan for the troop meeting.  While I can not guarantee this, there was some talk of a cook-off.  The “SKILLET OF POWER” may have to make an appearance!

For those at Goshen this week, Mrs. Farmer and I will have the blue cards printed and ready to review with you.  In addition, for those that may have a few remaining requirements to complete, we will also have your partial blue card slips and can review with you what is left to complete.

In addition, for all of those at Trailhead, we can review the requirements you completed and make sure everything is signed off in your book!

As was mentioned previously, you do NOT need to wear your scarves during the summertime.  We will resume wearing them again in September and after Labor Day!



As you know the troop leadership core is at Goshen for the coming weeks so we will have a rotation of Scouts who will be the “acting” SPL at the Monday meetings.  Please be sure to support these scouts!

This may change, but here is the current plan with the acting SPL in (bold):

Monday, July 1st – (Owen Farmer)

Monday, July 8th – (Jay Setliff)

Monday, July 15th – (Declan Heatherington)

Monday, July 22nd – (Miles Jackson)

Monday, July 29th – (Josiah Baldwin)

Monday, August 5th – (David Lloyd)


As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the production of the woggles/slides for our newest patrol (Tasmanian Devils) was in process and I am happy to report they are now complete.  See attached image.  Be sure to come to the meeting to collect it!


While Summer Camp is our big outdoor activity for this time of year, we still want to get out and have fun doing other things as well!  Following our recent tradition for July, we are going to have another single-day walking tour! Mr. Saulski has put together a great activity in support of the Crime Prevention Merit badge.

Keep an eye out for an email from Mr. Mulvaney with a link to sign up!



Last week I neglected to mention that we had three adults attend the ILOS training on June 17th and June 18th.  Thank you very much to Ms. Muldoon, Mr. Farmer and Mr. Heatherington.  We are always in need of adults to go camping with the scouts and the more trained people we have, the more camping we can do!!!

I would certainly encourage any adult who routinely or wants to go camping with the troop to attend one of the future training sessions.



We cannot do this without you!  We need 2-3 volunteers to help with:

  • Wreath sales (our annual fundraiser)
  • Service Coordinator(s) (to help coordinate all our service projects)
  • District Eagle Representative (Review and approve Eagle projects in other troops)
  • Troop Eagle Advisors (mentor scouts in the troop on their Eagle Project)


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, July 1st – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, July 8th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, July 13th – Merit Badge Walking Tour- Crime Prevention

Monday, July 15th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, July 22nd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, July 29th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, August 5th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday August 9th – 11th   Patrol Outing or Camping Trip – TBD By Each Patrol

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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