
Troop 131,

I have been very bad about sending out a note when people leave the troop/move away from the area.  In the future I will endeavor to be better at this.

For those at the troop me last week, you probably heard that the Irwin Family is moving to Denver.  It goes without saying that we will miss them very much.

Luke has been an amazing scout, and it was inspiring to see him join the troop just a few years ago, actively participate at troop meetings/events and advance so quickly and most recently to a Life Scout!  Whichever troop he joins in Colorado, should be thankful to have him.  Luke has indicated that he would like to be CIT at Goshen next year- something that we will certainly help support and it will be great to see him at Camp Olmsted.

Mrs. Irwin has been a great supporter of the troop and has one of the most important jobs … which is to run our annual wreath-sale/ fundraiser!  (we are still looking for someone to take this over btw!)  Not only did she do this with grace, rigor and energy but elevated the process, with clipboards and laminated sales collateral. I think we raised the highest amount in a year under her direction. In addition, she helped with organizing the re-use of uniforms as scouts outgrew them and organized, cataloged and recorded our Troop T-shirt Bin.

Mr. Irwin from the very beginning joined the troop as an Assistant Scoutmaster and was immediately active at troop meetings, going on camping trips, and attending service projects.  He had three tours of duty at Summer Camp. Including most recently at Camp Olmsted this year. I have always appreciated his perspective, calm wisdom, and experience, something that I certainly need as the occasional “hot head”.  Mr. Irwin is an Eagle scout, worked as a Camp Counselor when he was a teenager and is certainly someone who was influenced by his scouting experience. His advice and suggestions were invaluable, and I know that he is a big believer in the values of scouting.

We wish them all the best and they are always welcome at Troop 131!



We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! 

Miles Jackson is acting in the SPL this week and I know he has a good meeting plan for you all that includes fun with knots (no they are not going to tie me up) and of course plenty of times for games.

As per Mrs. Farmers email, we will hold a second Board of Review this month.  I have to say, I am very happy to see so many scouts working on your Rank Advancement, keep up the good work!

Our August outing is a patrol only activity.  If you recall, we tried this in November of last year and it was a resounding success, with each patrol planning their own activity.  I would certainly encourage you all to plan a patrol overnight camping trip, but if you wanted to do a day activity like a movie and pizza or go see a baseball game, etc … then that is fine too.  It is up to you all, however, you must help plan it!

Some of the initial ideas last year did not meet the guide to safe scouting, so the adult leaders will need to approve the plan well beforehand.   During the patrol time at the meeting, let’s keep thinking about what you want to do!



See note and link below from Jay, he has scheduled his eagle project and needs your help.  Remember, time spent on Eagle projects count toward your rank service hours.

I will be leading my Eagle Scout project at ICOH on Saturday, July 27th, from 9 am-1 pm.
We’re reclaiming an overgrown pathway in the wooded area behind the church. Please wear pants, long sleeves and bring gloves if you have them. We’re also refurbishing 2 wagons that are used for the pumpkin patch. 

We will have plenty of food for breakfast and lunch and drinks to keep cool.

Please let me know if you’re coming or if you have any questions or concerns 

Thanks,  Jay Setliff



See note below and attached flyer from Ben, he has scheduled his eagle project and needs your help.

Benjamin Moore’s Eagle Project is forthcoming, and he is looking for volunteers.  The project is a book drive for the Boys and Girls Club of Alexandria. On August 10th starting at 10 A.M. and most likely ending around noon, I need help dropping off flyers to the neighborhood around the church (similar neighborhood to Scouting for Food). The flyer will request neighbors to donate books for kids from ages 6-18. On August 17th from 10:00 A.M. to roughly noon we will pick up any donated books and take them to the Boys and Girls Club of Alexandria. Ben needs scout volunteers to help him drop off flyers at these houses and pick up donated books the following week. Adult drivers are also needed for both days to transport scouts throughout the neighborhood and to pick up books and transport to the Boys and Girls Club. Any donations by scouts would be greatly appreciated! If you would like to volunteer or have any questions email Ben at


Like rank advancements, the summer is a great time to work on Merit Badges.  All you need is the desire, a blue card (from me or one of the other Assistant Scoutmasters and to talk to you counselor)

Mrs. Farmer, the Advancement Chair, has created a google document, see link below, that contains a list of all the merit badges and the current list of troop counselors.  Eagle Required are highlighted.


PARENTS: We are blessed to have so many adults with a wide diversity of skill sets, occupations and hobbies.  If you would like to be a counselor (or expand the ones you already have) then please reach out to Kathryn Farmer.

For eagle required, we are bit light on:

·        Emergency Preparation

·        Environmental Science

Please don’t hesitate to sign up for merit badges where there are others, it is better if the scouts have choices on who they can work with!

BOX OF DESTINY (Woggle/Slides)

As I announced at the meeting last week that as a fun summertime activity, we would have a woggle painting competition.  Each of you is to paint your Patrol Woggle.  We will review the painted woggles at the Court of Honor/Family picnic on August 26th and the best three will be able to take a woggle from the Box of Destiny (see below)!

The winners may take one of the blanks from the box or one of the ones that I painted.  I am painting a few new ones now!

For your patrol woggles, I recommend that you:

·        Prime them first with white or grey spray paint/primer.

·        Paint them with Testors Acrylic or Enamel paint.

·        Seal them with a clear spray paint coating.

For younger scouts, please talk to your parents first!



As you know the troop leadership core is at Goshen for the coming weeks so we will have a rotation of Scouts who will be the “acting” SPL at the Monday meetings.  Please be sure to support these scouts!

This may change, but here is the current plan with the acting SPL in (bold):

Monday, July 22nd – (Miles Jackson)

Monday, July 29th – (Josiah Baldwin)

Monday, August 5th – (David Lloyd)



See note below from Assistant Scoutmaster Patel (scouting.t.patel@gmail.comfor the Flight School program previously mentioned. He offered to coordinate efforts/carpools for any other scouts that would like to attend:

Dear T131,

I mentioned the Flight School at tonight’s meeting.

Details are below.

Please sign up your Scout individually at the link at the bottom of the message.

Accotink Bay District Flight School

August 17, 2024 | Gunston Hall
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Featuring: Viper Rocket Launch

The Accotink Bay District is pleased to welcome units to our Flight School.

Scouts will earn Aviation and Space Exploration merit badges, as well as get to launch rockets.

Aviation Merit Badge Prerequisite

To begin (before the class), scouts should watch these two short videos that help explain
key concepts of flying.

Please review and complete requirement #4 which is the ONLY pre-requisite for the Aviation merit badge.
It requires you to do ONE of the three:

Visit an airport. After the visit, report on how the facilities are used, how runways are numbered, and how runways are determined to be ‘active.’
Visit a Federal Aviation Administration facility – a control tower, terminal radar control facility, air route traffic control center, or Flight Standards District Office. (Phone directory listings are under U.S. Government Offices, Transportation Department, Federal Aviation Administration. Call in advance.) Report on the operation and your impressions of the facility.
Visit an aviation museum or attend an air show. Report on your impressions of the museum or show.
Our Flight School is a chance for scouts to understand, appreciate, and be excited about the amazing machines that have transformed our world.

The Flight School registration fee is $40.

Please let me know when you sign up so that I can keep a list for communications purposes.
Thank you.




We cannot do this without you!  We need 2-3 volunteers to help with:

·        Wreath sales (our annual fundraiser)

·        Service Coordinator(s) (to help coordinate all our service projects)


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, July 22nd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, July 27th – Jay Setliff Eagle Project – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, July 29th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, August 5th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill (Scoutmaster on Vacation)

Friday August 9th – 11th – Patrol Outing or Camping Trip – TBD By Each Patrol

Saturday, August 10th – Ben Moore Eagle Project – Part 1

Monday, August 12th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill (Scoutmaster on Vacation)

Saturday, August 17th – Ben Moore Eagle Project – Part 2

Saturday, August 17th – Accotink Bay District Flight School

Monday, August 19th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC and BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, August 26th – Court of Honor and Family Picnic – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, September 2nd – No Troop Meeting- Labor Day

Monday, September 9th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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