
What a great rafting weekend!  Thank you to the 21 scouts and 9 adults who came out on the camping trip.  We had great camping weather and even better rafting!  There was only one unplanned exit from the rafts but thrills all around.

Special thanks to the older scouts who demonstrated that that Patrol Method is alive and well!  Troop cooking went well (but we should continue to work on cleaning up).

Despite the Fallingwater staff letting us down (they failed to complete our reservation) a thank you to Mr. Mulvaney for making this trip happen again.  Mr. Bolte gets an honorary Golden Skillet Award for making an epic dinner for the adults last night.

The adults took lots of photos, so look to the troop Facebook page for updates!


We will have an in-person Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill this Monday.

In addition, we will have a “mini- PLC” tomorrow at 7:00, however this will be just for the new SPL and ASP’s.  We will have a full PLC after summer camp.

If you borrowed gear for the camping trip, then please return it tomorrow and at the meeting.  Please make sure that all gear is Clean and DRY!!

This is our last meeting before Summer Camp as there is no meeting next Monday due to the Federal Holiday.


First let me thank Ismail for leading the troop over the last six months and I appreciate the energy that he brought to the troop and the meetings.

Now to the election results, first let me welcome Gabe Muldoon as our new SPL!  Also let me welcome Tadhg Devlin and Arthur Dalton as our two ASPL’s.  Please give them the respect and courtesy that they deserve.  It is no easy task taking on troop leadership positions.

See below the full results and thank you all for volunteering to help keep this troop moving forward.

SPL: Gabe Muldoon

ASPL: Tadhg Devlin

ASPL: Arthur Dalton

Troop Guide: Ryan Mulvaney

Troop Guide: Aiden Bolte

Troop Guide: Ismail Turunc

Quartermaster: Theo Ramirez

Scribe: Sean Mulvaney

Librarian: Jay Setliff

Chaplain’s Aide: David Stayanoff

Historian: Miles Jackson

Bugler: TBD

Order of the Arrow Rep: TBD


PL: John Wells

APL: Isaac Workman



PL: Noah Urchek

APL: Nathan Wells


PL: Josiah Baldwin

APL: Miles Jackson

Snapping Turtles

PL: Luke Irwin

APL: George Pica


PL: Logan Bond

APL: Paul Loberg

Penguin Raiders

PL: Henry Campbell

APL: Elliot Perry  



Please mark your calendars for a joint Eagle Scout Court of Honor recognizing:

Matthew Haymes

Alex Heckel

Henry Bingman

Will Jahns

Tuesday evening, June 20th – details to come soon!



See email below from Andrea Campbell (Luke’s Mother)- please bring in that old gear (including Class B t-shirts) for the exchange!


Did your scout GROW? 

Since the last time you bought scout pants? 

Oh wait, that was last week for us…

If the same is true for your scout… 


Please ask your scout to find all their gently used uniforms (because they’re rarely in the size long enough for any more than gentle use…) and bring them to the next troop meeting.  It will not only be a great opportunity for them to look over all their successes and progress… but also to organize their closets! 

I will collect uniforms at meetings through June 12th, and then wash, iron, fold, and package all the uniform pieces by size and make them available for perusal and selection as soon as I have everything prepared; I’ll send another note when the scouts can “shop” for their size.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give reach me at 571-977-8902 or  I will plan to do this a few times a year to keep those uniforms rotating.


Andrea Irwin


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, June 12th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, June 19th   – No Troop Meeting – Federal Holiday – Juneteenth

Tuesday, June 20th – Eagle Court of Honor

Sunday June 25th – Start of Summer Camp!!!

Monday, June 26th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday July 1st – End of Summer Camp!!!

Monday, July 3rd – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

(Yes, there is a meeting right after summer camp- to return gear and review how it went)

Monday, July 10th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill



Wear your full Class A Uniform and Scarf!  Bring your Book, Bring a headlamp!  Leave your phone in your pocket! and have a good time!

Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me, Mr. Ramirez, an email (!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card, not the parent!

See you all at the troop meeting.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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