I hope you all had a great weekend and thank you to Mr. Dalton and Mr. Farmer for running the swimming merit badge course today. Also, a special thanks to Arthur, Theo and Owen, who also participated and helped teach at the event! I hope everyone had a good time.
We will have a Patrol Leaders Conference (PLC) on Monday at 6:45 and right before the meeting. All scout leaders should show up!
We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill!
Your leadership team has a great meeting plan and with the upcoming winter camping trips they will focus on cold weather camping preparation. At a minimum every scout should bring a bag with your 10 essentials for review. All younger scouts (below First Class) are encouraged to bring your main backpack filled as if you were going on a winter camping trip. The older scouts will review it for you and make suggestions.
Cold weather camping is no joke, and we want to make sure you are all adequately prepared.
This is the last weekend before our winter backpacking trip, so let’s make sure to pull any gear and do meal planning at the meeting as well!
For those that are on the hunt for Eagle see note below from Mrs. Farmer, for a course run by our district. We certainly encourage you all to attend.
Life Scouts and Families of Life Scouts (and Eagle Coaches):
Registration for the Four Mile Run Life to Eagle Seminar on January 25 is now open:
If you are a Life Scout (or close to) or an Eagle coach and in town on the 25th, I encourage you to attend.
The seminar is a must for all Life Scouts who want to earn Eagle rank, and their parents. Scouts will learn how to choose, plan and execute their Eagle Project, and prepare for their Eagle Board of Review.
A highlight of the seminar is a panel of recent Eagle Scouts who will answer your questions and provide peer advice. In addition, valuable training will be offered for Eagle Advisors so they can support the Life to Eagle process at the unit level.
Kathryn Farmer
Advancement Chair, Troop 131
SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead
Monday, January 13th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR)(PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill
Monday, January 20th – No Troop Meeting- Federal Holiday – MLK Birthday/Inauguration
Friday January 24th– 26th – Winter Camping & Backpacking Trip
Monday, January 27th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill
Sunday February 2nd – Scout Sunday
Monday, February 3rd – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill
Friday February 7th– 8th – Winter Camping & Caving Trip
Monday, February 10th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR)(PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill
Monday, February 17th – No Troop Meeting- Presidents Day
Saturday, February 22nd – Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) – Immanuel Church on the Hill