
Troop 131,

I hope you all are well.  Unfortunately, I am on business(ish) travel this weekend and into next week so I will miss Monday’s meeting, however, I look forward to seeing you all again in two weeks (we don’t have a meeting next week due to the Federal Holiday).

Thank you to all the Scouts who came out last week for Scout Sunday, it was a great service and special thanks to David Lloyd, Andy Devlin, Anjan Patel (who all did an amazing job with the readings) and Gabe Muldoon and Theo Ramirez who were our flag bearers.  I believe that Mrs. Farmer is going to order a special patch for all that participated!



We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! Your leadership team will have a good plan as always!

We are also holding Board of Reviews on Monday, so if you are ready for Rank Advancement and have not already told Mrs. Farmer, please do so ASAP.

This is also the time of the month for PLC, all those in leadership positions please show up at 6:45.  I trust that you can all hold a good meeting without my attendance!


ILST: Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops – Immanuel Church on the Hill – Saturday, February 22nd

Please also mark your calendars, Mr. Farmer is restarting our ILST training.  I would like to see all Scouts in leadership positions (including the PL and APL’s) attend. Some of the older scouts will recall that Mr. Rodger used to do this training yearly.  Whether you are a grizzled veteran or a new scout, if you are in a leadership position, I STRONGLY encourage you all to attend.  We are still working out the final details, but this will be a three-hour course in the morning of 1/22.



See a note below from Mrs. Farmer concerning an exciting merit badge opportunity.

Our very own ASM Tejas Patel is offering the Public Speaking merit badge to interested scouts. Please see the attached flyer.


Public speaking is one of those life skills that is as useful at age 12 as it is at age 60. ASM Patel will start teaching this cohort on Feb 17.


If interested, please email ASM Patel at Remember to cc your parent/guardian when signing up. 



Kathryn Farmer

Advancement Chair 



We will start the summer camp enrollment process in February and more information is to come, but the troop is locked in for Camp Marriot Week-3 (7/6 – 7/12) at the Goshen Scout Reservation.

Stay tuned….


UNIVERSITY OF SCOUTING (for adults) (February 22nd – Same day as the ILST)

Scouters, the annual event, is coming up again.  I have gone in the past and it is a great opportunity to learn something new and hang out with other adult leaders.

See link below for more information if you are interested.


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, February 10th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR)(PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, February 17th – No Troop Meeting- Presidents Day

Saturday, February 22nd – Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, February 22nd – University of Scouting- (Scouters only)

Monday, February 24th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday March 3rd – Court of Honor

Monday, March 10th – Troop Meeting (BoR)(PLC)- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Thursday, March 13th    – Parent & Committee Meeting- 7:30 – Location TBD (there will be virtual option as well)

Friday, March 14th – 16th  – Camping Trip – Shooting – Issac Walton League




For our typical meetings, please wear your full Class A Uniform!  Bring your Book, Bring a headlamp!  Leave your phone in your pocket! and have a good time!

Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me, Mr. Ramirez, an email (!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card, not the parent!

See you all at the next troop meeting.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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