
I hope everyone is well and had a great weekend!

The Court of Honor is on Monday, however, the following two meetings will be busy ones!


  • March 10th is our Monthly PLC and will prepare for the upcoming camping trip.
  • March 17th will be very busy with a Sea Base Crew Prep meeting, Board of Review and Order of the Arrow elections (more on this to come).


Parents, also please note that our twice annual Committee/ASM/Parents meeting is coming up on March 13th.



In lieu of our typical meeting, Monday is our bi-annual Court of Honor where we celebrate all your accomplishments over the past 6 months.  This is a family event, therefore parents, siblings, grandparents, etc are encouraged to attend. Unlike the September Court of Honor, there will be no food involved, so please eat dinner before you come!  New scouts from Pack 135, you are very welcome to attend as well and see how it all works!

Thank you to all the presenters who either volunteered or were “volen-told” by Arthur! Below is the list of presenters, can I ask that you come ½ hour early (at 7:00) and help set up the room for the event.


Tadhg Devlin — Master of Ceremonies

Talis Saulski – Scout Presenter

Jack Norris — Tenderfoot Presenter

Owen Farmer — Second Class Presenter

Andy Devlin — First Class Presenter

[No Star ranks]

David Lloyd — Life Presenter & Eagle recognition

Theo Ramirez — Merit Badge Presenter

Ethan Lacayo — Outdoor Activity Presenter

Penguin Raiders Patrol — Teddy Texiera-Moffat & Thomas Grocki (Color Guard)

Jonathan Nguyen — Acting Chaplain’s Aide



We thought this trip would be popular and that certainly turned out to be the case.  Unfortunately, all 18 slots have been filled, and we have one scout already on the waitlist. If you have signed up already and something has changed with your schedule, please let me and Mr. Mulvaney know ASAP, so that we can give your slot to another scout.

The sign-up sheet is still open, and any new scouts will be put on the waitlist.


See below for more information from Mrs. Lacayo, our summer camp coordinator concerning camp this year:


Goshen 2025

While there may be snow on the ground, it is never too early to start thinking about summer camp! This year, we will be attending Camp Marriott at Goshen. I’ll provide more details about camp activities and merit badge sign ups in the coming weeks, but here are a few things to know now:

  • Location: Camp Marriott in Goshen, VA
  • Dates: Sunday, July 6 – Saturday, July 12, 2025
  • Camp Fees: If you register by April 13, the early bird cost for one Scout is $565.  Regular registration will increase to $595 per Scout.  (Note: This does not include the ~$100 bus fees; see below.)  The cost this year is all-inclusive for all activities; you will not have to pay additional fees for any merit badges as we have had to do in years past. 
  • Transportation: All scouts will ride the bus to and from Goshen. The roundtrip cost is around $100. The bus leaves from Fairfax County Government Center in Fairfax, VA, and will drop back off at the same location. 
  • Merit Badges: There are many merit badge options available. They haven’t yet posted the schedule for 2025, but you can view the 2024 schedule to get an idea of what might be offered. I’ll send details in March about how we do sign ups.
  • Forms: Each camper will need to fill out BSA Medical Forms A, B1, B2, and C, as well as the NCAC form. All forms can be found here.

    Please note: Part C requires the signature of a medical professional, so prioritize getting this signed! 
  • Scholarships: The troop is committed to making Goshen accessible to as many Scouts as possible. If you are interested in a Campership (financial aid) to help cover the fees, please let us know before February 27, 2025. 
  • Adult Campers: Interested in joining the Goshen fun? We will need a few good adults to join the Goshen trip. You can come for a portion of the week or the whole week. I’ll follow up with more info in a separate email, but for your awareness, adult early bird registration costs $300, and increases to $340 for regular registration.  The troop will subsidize some of this cost, and any adult who chaperones on the bus will have their bus ticket covered. 


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday March 3rd – Court of Honor

Monday, March 10th – Troop Meeting (PLC)- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Thursday, March 13th    – Parent & Committee Meeting- 7:30 – Location TBD (there will be virtual option as well)

Friday, March 14th – 16th – Camping Trip – Shooting – Issac Walton League

Monday, March 17th – Troop Meeting (BoR) (OA Elections) (Seabase prep meeting)– 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, March 24th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, March 29th – Scout Skill Sunday – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, March 31st – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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