Troop Elections – 
Congratulations Will Jahns as the new Senior Patrol Leader!  And a big thanks to Matthew Haymes for his leadership through this extremely challenging time!
Canoeing and Camping – June 11 -13 – Shenandoah River
Be sure to reply to Mr. Mulvaney’s email if you want to go.  There is still room!
Ryan Reyes Eagle Court of Honor – June 13 afternoon
Let’s all show up to honor Ryan for his achievements in the troop.  There will be plenty of time after returning from Canoeing.
From Mrs. Reyes:
Please join us for Ryan Reyes’ Eagle Scout Celebration on Sunday, June 13th from 4:30 – 5:30. See the evite for more details and to RSVP
Eagle Project – Alexander Reisig:

Hi guys!

I have started working on my Eagle Scout project and I need your help!! There are two ways you can help:

  1. Make a donation: I am collecting essential clothing  donations for a homeless shelter on my high school campus.  They are very strict about the Covid restrictions so I i’m using Amazon. They had a special request for XXXL and XXXXL items. I would appreciate a donation if you can! Here is the link:

  1. Help me sort, inventory and deliver the items on or around the weekend of June 12. We will do this at my house and then we will need some parents to help us transport the bins of clothes to DC near Capitol Hill.  We will then carry all the bins to the clothing closet and put them away. . I will share more details about that as we get closer when I know the schedule better.

Thank you for considering a donation or helping to organize and deliver the items.

Alexander Reisig

Goshen in Motion – July!
Please respond to Mr. Ramirez’s emails
High Adventure
Did you know we have a group going to Philmont this year?  Well yes we do – Corey, Alex, Will, Matthew, and friends from other troops are headed to the great adventure!  Ask them about it, maybe it can be you in the future!
Wear your uniform!  Bring a headlamp!

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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