Happy New Year to all of our scouts, volunteers and your families. I hope you all have enjoyed a happy, healthy and safe holiday. As we start the new year we have some exciting news to share –

Troop 131 has a new sponsor! 
It’s a bit bittersweet after 85 years at First Baptist but Troop 131 is officially changing sponsors. Our new sponsor is Immanuel Church on the Hill, the Episcopalian church at the corner of Quaker Lane and Seminary road (many may know it as the pumpkin church!). This decision was made after much research and discussion with First Baptist, Immanuel, other potential sponsors, our troop committee and people from our BSA district. We discussed the options in depth and voted to move during our 11/30 parent meeting and have since been approved by Immanuel’s vestry and I have confirmed with First Baptist that we will be moving. I officially made the announcement to the scouts at our last troop meeting. Immanuel is very excited about us coming there and I for one think this will be a very good move for us. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Some answers to some questions you may have about this change –
  • We will remain Troop 131 and therefore the oldest Troop in the City of Alexandria at 85 years!
  • Our membership, including all of our scouts and volunteer adult leadership will all automatically transfer with the troop as only our troop sponsor will change.
  • Though we are still working on the BSA paperwork to make the official change, we will start working out of Immanuel effective immediately.
  • We will continue to meet weekly on Monday nights from 7:30 – 9 PM (except Federal holidays and other announced exceptions)
  • Beginning TOMORROW, January 3rd – we will be meeting in the Parish Hall at Immanuel Church (3606 Seminary Road) – enter through the doors labeled “Parish Hall” on the front of the building, towards the right end of the building as looking at it from the road.
  • We are still finalizing where we will be able to store our troop gear but for now First Baptist is allowing us to leave our shed on their grounds and access it as we need.
As I said, I think this is an exciting move for the troop but am very appreciative of First Baptist and all they’ve done for the year over these many years. In particular, Mr. Larry Meyer who has served as our Chartered Organization Representative has been unbelievably supportive of all things the troop has done including this decision to move. Thank you Larry!
Reminders on pandemic protocol
As we continue to meet in person, please remember the following –
  • We are requiring masks for all (no matter what your vaccine status is) at our indoor meetings
  • If you are not feeling well, please stay home.
  • If you, someone in your household or someone you have had close contact with has tested positive for Covid, please stay home.
  • If you attend a troop meeting and soon after test positive, please notify Mr. Ramirez or myself
Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Kevin Jahns
Troop 131 Committee Chair

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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