Henry Bingman
Matthew Haymes
Alex Heckel
Will Jahns
Henry Bingman
Matthew Haymes
Alex Heckel
Will Jahns
Who: Everyone with a sense of adventure who loves the outdoors (i.e. SCOUTS!!!!) What: Backpacking trip When: Fri 15...
Scouts from Troop 131 preparing to leave for the annual canoeing trip campout. Scouts will camp two nights and...
Horses that is!!! Our next campout will be 11-13 March. We are going horseback riding! So saddle up for...
Snow is falling, so it must be time for Troop 131 to SKIIIIII! As the Scoutmaster noted, we shook...
Troop 131 Scouts & families, This service opportunity has come to my attention. If your scout is interested in...
Caving and Hiking Who: All the Adventuresome Scouts What: Troop 131 Caving and Hiking trip When: Fri 19 May-...
Hope you’re all enjoying the cool Fall weather! Just a friendly reminder to please submit your annual registration fee...
February 04, 2023 131 scouts and scout families – Great to see this event back again in person. All...
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©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.