Parents,  We need your help!

We have a great community of adult volunteers, but we always need more!

For the Eagle required merit badges, while we have at least one counselor in each, we would certainly like to have additional coverage for these.

Just because we have a counselor, it does not mean you should not sign up for one of the merit badges, in particular if you have interest in that area of study.

There are a few merit badges that require additional training or certification; first aid, shooting sports and water activities come to mind, but for the most part we self-certify.

Becoming a merit badge counselor is a fairly easy process:

1.       Create an online Scouting account

2.       Take the online Youth Protection Training (72 minutes) (YPT-2.0)

3.       We need to register you as an adult in the troop (Kevin Jahn’s can help you with that if you are not already registered)

4.       Take the online Merit Badge Training (34 minutes) (Click on the Merit Badge Training)

5.       Fill out the attached Merit Badge Counselor Application (form 34405), attach your completed YPT-2.0 and Merit Badge Training Certificates and then Send to Kevin Jahns and CC me.


You can choose to work with Scouts just in our troop or in the greater District/Council.

In addition, we really could use an adult in the troop who has been formally trained in BSA Aquatics Supervision: Swimming and Water Rescue or BSA Lifeguard.  If you are interested, please come drop me an email or talk to me at the next troop meeting.

Water activities are large part of scouting and while we can administer the basic swim test, a formally trained adult is preferable.

Let me know if you have any questions and I encourage you to volunteer.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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