

This Monday at 7:00PM we will have our end of summer Court of Honor and family Picnic.  This is a fun event that is run by the scouts and is a great way to celebrate all the accomplishments from the past six months.

A few items:

  • The Color Guard will be done by the Snapping Turtles
  • Scouts, please look sharp and wear your Full Class A Uniforms, including Sash and Neckerchief.  Since we will be outside (hopefully) you may wear Scout Shorts in lieu of pants.
  • Please bring a camp chair!
  • I will have a special gift at the end for all the scouts that show up!

Families, please see message below from Mr. Jahhs with the information on the CoH. Please volunteer to bring food items to help with the picnic!

To all Troop 131 scouts, volunteers and your families, 

Please join us for our end of summer Court of Honor & Picnic! 

Monday, August 28th @ 7 PM

Immanuel Church on the Hill – 3606 Seminary Rd. 

Behind the church weather permitting – otherwise in our usual meeting hall

 Please enjoy dinner with our scouts and their families and see our scouts get recognized for all the great things they have done since our spring Court of Honor! 

This will replace our normal weekly meeting this week. 

 The troop will provide burgers and dogs. 

Please sign up below to contribute drinks, sides or desserts!

Please bring chairs for yourselves too! 

 Any questions, please let me know. 

 Hope to see you on the 28th! 


Kevin Jahns


See note below from Mrs. Mulvaney and Mr. Workman, this is for our sponsor so please consider volunteering!

Hello Troop 131 Scouts & families, 

We have another service opportunity to help out Immanuel Church on the Hill and the Alive program. They are looking for some strong, slightly older scouts to help move some furniture for some of our local community members. You will meet at ALIVE warehouse 801 S Payne Street in Old Town Alexandria on Saturday Sept 23, 2023 from approx. 8AM-12 noon. 

Description of the event: 

This is an opportunity for some of the older Scouts.

Lisa Clausen is Immanuel’s representative to ALIVE. And will be a point of contact for the day. (Scouts that went to Mount Vernon Community School might remember Mrs.Clausen as the school nurse). 


ALIVE is in need of some volunteers to pick up and deliver furniture.  They have someone to drive the truck, and are in need of some strong volunteers who can lift and move furniture.  We need 4 strong folks, including one adult or 2scouts/2adults). Alive picks up furniture from people donating and then delivers to people needing those items.  Alive provides the truck driver and the volunteers follow the truck in a car(s). It usually takes 3-4 hours on a Saturday morning.

Please see signup genius below, and sign up if you can attend. Unfortunately, I’m committed to a band competition for Ryan that same day so will not be able to attend.  Please let me know if you have any questions, Samantha Mulvaney 760-583-4147.  

Signup Genius Link:

Samantha Mulvaney

 & Shelby Workman

Troop 131 Service Coordinators


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, August 28th – Court of Honor and Family Picnic – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday September 4th – No Meeting Federal Holiday – Labor Day

Saturday September 9th – Troop 131 Car wash and Fundraiser- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, September 11th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday September 15th – 17th – Backpacking Trip – Mudhole Gap

Monday, September 18th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Wednesday, Sept 20th   Committee and Parents Meeting- 7:30 – Virtual

Saturday, September 23rd– Service Project – Alive Warehouse

Monday September 25th – No Troop Meeting- (ACPS- No School)

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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