

We will not have a troop meeting on Monday and in observance of Labor Day.  However, there are quite a few things going on and we have plenty of announcements, so please read on!

The court of honor on Monday was a great time, and it was wonderful to see all the scouts and the extended Troop 131 Family all in one place!  It was a perfect way to begin the fall scouting season!

First let me start by thanking all the scouts who participated in the court of honor, you all did a wonderful job, and it reinforces the fact that we are a SCOUT lead troop.

With that said, a big thank you to all the families who brought food or beverages and to the adult leaders who helped cook or prepare the food.  A special thank you goes to Ms. Haymes who (and even though she was out of town) assembled and prepared all the cards, pins, and other awards that you took home.  A second and very special thank you to Mr. Jahns who, like previous years organized the Court of Honor, purchased all the troop supplied food and made the event happen. We are truly a very special troop with such great Scouts, family support and adult leaders!


Scouts, just a few words of advice on the woggles you took home on Monday.  My hope is that you all paint and individualize them.  While the white is cool, painted ones are even better!

If you do paint them, then my advice is sand them a bit beforehand (especially on the bottom), prime them with white or grey spray paint, paint them to taste (with acrylic or enamel paint) and then clear coat seal them.  Don’t use water-based paints, Testors model paint is good, however you will need a bit of thinner to keep those brushes clean!

It is also a good idea to make sure your parents are good with this, especially before you start spray painting.




See message below from Mr. Mills, who graciously volunteered to help run our car wash again this year.  Last year was a ton of fun and we raised a lot of money for the troop!


Troop 131 Scouts and Adults, 

Please come out to help with Troop 131’s Car Wash fundraiser. 

Saturday, September 9th – 8:30 – 2:30 (working shifts)

Car Wash will run 9 AM – 2 PM

Please wear your Troop t-shirts!

Hotdogs will be served about noon if you are volunteering at that time. 

Please use this link to sign up for a shift (or 2)!

Any questions – please contact Mr. Mills (

Thank you! 



We only have ONE meeting before the backpacking trip.  Please see information below from Mr. Mulvaney and please sign up if you have not already done so!


Who: Everyone with a sense of adventure who loves the outdoors (i.e. SCOUTS!!!!)

What: Backpacking trip
When: Fri 15 Sept – Sun 17 Sep 2023
Where: Mudhole Gap
Why: All Scouts Love to Backpack!  

Cost: Just $20 for Scouts

Adults are Free Free Free


Register here:



Just a reminder on how to make payments for Dues or other Outdoor Activities.  They can be made in several ways:

  • Checks delivered at the Monday Meeting to the Treasurer or Committee Chair- they should be made payable to “BSA Troop 131.”  Please put in the notes the activity you are paying for.
  • Zelle Account Transfer:

                 Name: TreasurerT131

                 Email: Treasurer@T131.Org  

                 Please put in the notes what activity you are paying for.

Zelle is the easiest and most seamless.



We have filled the four slots for this event.  Thank you to Jay Setliff, Theo Ramirez, Will Lacey and Ben Moore who volunteered to be the Scout helpers.  Also, a big thank you to Mr. Tom Lacey who has volunteered to be the Adult Helper!


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday September 4th – No Meeting Federal Holiday – Labor Day

Saturday September 9th – Troop 131 Car wash and Fundraiser- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, September 11th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday September 15th – 17th – Backpacking Trip – Mudhole Gap

Monday, September 18th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Wednesday, Sept 20th   Committee and Parents Meeting- 7:30 – Virtual

Saturday, September 23rd– Service Project – Alive Warehouse

Sunday, September 24th – Sean Mulvaney Eagle Court of Honor- First Baptist Church

Monday September 25th – No Troop Meeting- (ACPS- No School)

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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