
Troop 131,

I hope you are well and enjoyed your weekend! From what I heard, the fishing trip was a good time and while I don’t have the final tally, I understand there were quite a few fish caught!  Thank you to Mr. Wells, Mr. Nyguen and the other adults who went on the trip.


We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill!

At the end of the meeting, we will hold a flag retirement ceremony.  We have quite a few flags in the shed and we are long overdue to do this.  This is an essential service that we provide as Scouts, and I expect all Scouts to take this responsibility seriously.  I attached to this email a sample of the script that we use for flag retirement.

As a result, this meeting will have a multi prong focus and we will break into three groups:

  • Group 1 will focus on shed clean up and organization (the shed is a mess and this is very necessary)
  • Group 2 (the largest group) will focus on preparing the flags for retirement
  • Group 3 will prepare a campfire for the retirement ceremony.

The SPL and leadership team will make the group assignments at the meeting.

To prepare the flags for retirement, please bring a sharp knife, industrial scissors or shears.  I expect everyone to practice safe totin’ chip and knife handling skills!!!

We still have not decided on the summer camp t-shirt design and hopefully we will have time to review these as well!



Nathan completed the first part of his Eagle project this Sunday!  See update from him below.  Part 2 is coming up on May 4th (I expect lots of Star Wars themed comments that day)!  This is the same day as our Scout Skill Saturday so I hope that some of you can stick around to help him out.

For an update with my project, I completed the first phase of the project (which will be evident at the next meeting), with the help of a few scouts from the troop. Everything went as planned and the next work date is currently being scheduled. Although there is scout skill Saturday is on May 4th, I will start at around noon, in case interested participants of both events would like to join. At that work day I will likely necessitate four boys or more from the troop.



What is Scout Skill Saturday you ask?  Good Question!  We have not done one for some time, however, this is a Saturday morning or afternoon session, where the older scouts teach the younger scouts basic scout skills!  This might include totin’-chip, firm’n chit, and other skills required for the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class.

More information to come, but if you have open rank requirements, then this is made for you!


See information below from Ms. Wargo to help plant trees for Arbor Day.  This is another good way that we can help support our amazing sponsor!  Unfortunately, I will be out of town next weekend, but I encourage you all to attend and earn service hours!

Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) students are hosting a small tree-planting on their campus on the morning of April 27th, 9-10:30 am. Any scout who wants to help plant trees is most welcome! Please sign up here if you’re interested. 

They’re meeting on campus at Trotter Bowl, which is the field along Quaker Lane at VTS. The address 900 N Quaker Lane generally works for map apps, it takes you onto a road called Aspinwall Lane. You can park along Aspinwall Lane on the right side of the road, and the field to the right is Trotter Bowl.”

Thanks for your help!


Francine Wargo




We need at least two ILOS trained adults on every camping trip.  I know we had one parent who just completed their ILOS training this weekend, but I would certainly encourage anyone who wants to camp with the troop to consider taking the training.

There is an upcoming session on June 15th and 16th.  See information below:

06/15-16 – Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

This training is for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, Associate Crew Advisors who need to complete their program-specific training requirements, as well as those other adult volunteers who want to help with the outdoor program activities and basic advancement skills. 


The early bird pricing has unfortunately passed; however, it is still not too late to sign up!  We have 15 scouts and 4 adults who are attending, and it should be a lot of fun! Not to mention, four of your Troop mates will be counselors at Olmstead again this year!

Please contact Mrs. Lacayo if you would like to go!


CLIMBOREE- Registration Opens April 27th.

I know it seems crazy to sign up for an activity that will take place in the fall, however, the Climboree is very popular, and we cannot reserve empty spots.

Registration opens April 27th and last year all the spots filled up very quickly.  We want to make sure that everyone who wants to will be able to attend.

All the scouts who went last year had a great time, so please see the information from Mr. Mulvaney and please sign up if you would like to go!!!

Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited!  
What: NCAC Climbing and hiking weekend
When: Fri 11 Oct- MONDAY 14 Sep 2024 LONG WEEKEND EVENT
Camp Mountaineer near Morgantown, WV.
Why: Climb to the sky
Cost: $40/ person
*** This is a Pre-Pay Event, if you sign up we need to collect money from you now, even if you have to cancel later ***

Sign up at:


Ok Folks, this one books up quickly, so if your Scout, and you, want to go and maximize the fun, sign up now.  But a couple of notes:

1-*** This is a Pre-Pay Event, if you sign up we need to collect money from you now, even if you have to cancel later ***

2- Activity Catalog is available at:

3- Once you sign up, I’ll send you the link to the activity sheet.  Again, the sooner you sign up, the more likely you are to get your choices, and some go super quickly.

4- There are lots of merit badges to be had at this one, so start thinking ahead and see Mr. Ramirez for Blue Cards at the next meeting.

Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, April 22nd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

April 26th -28th – OA Spring Ordeal- Camp Snyder

Saturday April 27th– Arbor Day Planting with the Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) students

Monday, April 29th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR)- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday May 4th – Scout Skill Saturday

Monday, May 6th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC)- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, May 11th – Shakedown Bike Ride TBD(Tentative)

Monday, May 13th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BOR)- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday May 17th – 19th    – OA Conclave – Camp Snyder

Saturday May 18th – 19th    Camping Trip- Biking Trip – Leesburg

Monday, May 20th   – Swim Test – Chinquapin Park Req. Center

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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