
Troop 131,

I hope you are well and are enjoying the long weekend!  Swimming at Chinquapin Recreation center was a lot of fun and thank you again to Mr. Dalton, Mr. Farmer for organizing and running it and thank you to Tadhg, Arthur, and Theo (Goshen Counselor Vets) for helping to administer the swim test.

Just a reminder, we will not have a meeting tomorrow and in observance of Memorial Day.  However, we will have one next week and it is an important one!



Monday, June 3rd – Troop Meeting– 7:30 PM (ELECTIONS) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

  • Currently, we have two candidates for Sr. Patrol Leader:

o   Tadhg Devlin

o   Arthur Dalton

  • If anyone else would like to run for SPL, then please let me know.
  • We will start the meeting by asking each SPL candidate to give a short speech on why they should be elected and what they want to accomplish as SPL.
  • All scouts in the troop are then free to ask them questions concerning this.
  • We will vote for SPL.
  • Then we will break into patrols and elect Patrol Leaders.
  • Patrol Leaders will then appoint their APL.
  • We will announce the new SPL and then he will appoint the ASPL(s) and other leadership positions.
  • There are plenty of other leadership positions available as well, see list below of the roles that we commonly fill.  For the older scouts, I would like to see at least three (3) Troop Guides this round as well, so please consider that position. The younger patrols will benefit from your experience and wisdom!

o   The patrols elect the Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader appoints the Assistant Patrol Leader.

o   The troop elects the Sr. Patrol Leader.  The Sr. Patrol Leader appoints the Assistant Sr. Patrol Leader(s) and the other leadership positions:

  • Assistant Sr. Patrol Leader:
  • Quartermaster: 
  • Historian: 
  • Librarian: 
  • Bugler:
  • Scribe: 
  • Troop Guides: 
  • Chaplain’s Aide:
  • Order of the Arrow Rep:




I was late for the swim test because I had the pleasure of attending Pack 614 crossing of the bridge ceremony!  As a result, I am happy to welcome Anjan Patel and his father Tajas Patel (who will become an ASM) to the troop!  Since we have six new scouts, we can officially form a New Scout Patrol.  It will be made up of the following scouts:

Simon Macek

Sami Lipke

Quinn Ziemann

Rhys Devlin

Martin Shea

Anjan Patel


I know that you have been talking about this for a few weeks, however, at the next meeting I would like you all to officially decide on a patrol name, that way we can order you proper patrol patches!  One of my tasks this weekend was to get you a new patrol bin, so you are all set for camping.  At the meeting, please let me know if you are missing a T-131 Patch or T-131 T-shirt!


While the early bird pricing has passed, it is not too late to go. We have 16 scouts and 5 adults who are going, plus four of your troop mates will be counselors there!  Please email Mrs. Lacayo ( if you would like to attend.


The t-shirt design was selected, and the order is in.  See attached image if you would like to see the selected design!  I believe the winning design was from Tadhg!  A special thanks to Mr. Devlin for making this happen.



We cannot do this without you!  We need 2-3 volunteers to help with:

  • Wreath sales (our annual fundraiser)
  • Service Coordinator(s) (to help coordinate all our service projects)


We need at least two ILOS trained adults on every camping trip.  I know we had one parent who just completed their ILOS training recently, but I would certainly encourage anyone who wants to camp with the troop to consider taking the training.

There is an upcoming session on June 15th and 16th.  See information below:

06/15-16 – Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)

This training is for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, Associate Crew Advisors who need to complete their program-specific training requirements, as well as those other adult volunteers who want to help with the outdoor program activities and basic advancement skills.


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, May 27th – No Troop Meeting – Memorial Day

Monday, June 3rd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (ELECTIONS) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday June 7th – 9th     Camping – Canoe Trip – TBD

Monday, June 10th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC)(BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, June 17th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Sunday June 23rd – Start of Summer Camp

Monday, June 24th – No Troop Meeting

Saturday June 29th – End of Summer Camp

©2024 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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