
Hope you are doing well and had a good weekend!  Thank you to all the parents that joined the committee/parents meeting on Thursday, while it went a bit long, it was certainly a good time.

The first delivery of Pumpkins is this Saturday.  See links below and please sign up to help support our amazing sponsor!

The next major activity after that is the Will Roger Conservation Project– I hope you will come to that activity and please sign up.  The people organizing the event asked if there is anyone who can help identify invasive species, they could use an extra set of eyes during the day.

See information below concerning the NLYT!  I hope you all will consider it.


We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! 

Your leadership team has a very fun meeting scheduled for this week! The theme for the meeting is Skateboarding!  If you have a skateboard and helmet, feel free to bring them, however, any scout on a skateboard (MUST) be wearing a helmet– No exceptions.

Any scout who does not follow this rule or acts in an unsafe manner will get to hang out with adults for the duration of the meeting- no joke. I want you all to be safe, but otherwise, feel free to shred it!


As many of you know, we are blessed to have so many adults in the troop who are avid climbers.  One of these is Mr. Bolte (former Scoutmaster) who helps organize the Climboree (which is next month) and he asked if I could put out a call for adults to help with some aspects, specifically they need people to help take a shift at check-in, the entry gate, and parking.  In addition, they are looking for some help with gear at orientation.  You do NOT need to be a climbing instructor to help out at the gear orientation.  See link below if you can help!


See email below from Mrs. Ramirez (our new Service Coordinator) concerning the Service activities coming up and links to sign up!

Please mark your calendars!  Our amazing sponsor- Immanuel Church on the Hill has scheduled several dates for pumpkin drop off and clean up!

Note that October 19th is the same weekend as the District Camporee.  We expect the entire troop to come to the camporee, however, if you absolutely cannot attend, then please volunteer to help the church in the morning as they will need volunteers that day.

As in the last several years, pumpkin unloading will be on Saturday mornings and will involve pallet-sized cartons of pumpkins being taken off the trucks with a forklift.  The main work consists of moving pumpkins from the cartons to various places in the patch, using wheelbarrows and wagons.  Scouts could come as early as 8:30 am but can come later—we will likely be busy till noon each day.

Episcopal High School will help on September 28th as well but cannot attend on October 19th.



From T131 Service

Hi everyone! Vivian Ramirez here – some of you may know me as Theo’s mom, or Scoutmaster Mark’s wife. Most of you probably actually know me best as Aspen’s mom. I’m stepping up as Service Coordinator this year for T131, and below are our upcoming Service Events (event links take you to the Sign-ups). Get those Service Hours and Rank Up!


Please note: we need 4 Parent Drivers on 11/2 and on 11/9 for Scouting for Food. Please reach out to ASM Andrew Moore (, 202-258-7103) if you can support.


9/28/24 Saturday, 8:30-11 – Pumpkin Patch at Immanuel Church on the Hill

10/19/24 Saturday 8:30-11 – Pumpkin Patch at Immanuel Church on the Hill for any Scouts not going to the Camporee

11/2/24 Saturday 9-11:30 – Scouting for Food

11/2/24 Saturday 9-11 – Pumpkin Patch at Immanuel Church on the Hill

11/9/24 Saturday 10-11:30 – Scouting for Food


SCOUTS: Please make sure to log your service hours in your logbooks. I will be at the 10/7 Scout Meeting and can sign off on your service hours. Please come prepared to describe your service activities and how they connect with Scouting principles as outlined below. Below is the outline for rank-up requirements, also available online:

  • Tenderfoot: 1 hour, connect with Scout Slogan/Scout Motto
  • Second Class: 2 hours, connect with Scout Oath
  • First Class: 3 hours, connect with Scout Law
  • Star: 6 hours
  • Life: 6 hours, 3 of which must be conservation-related


We need a really big turnout for this.  It is just an afternoon, and it is in memory of our former Scoutmaster, and good friend, Will Roger


Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited!
What:  Conservation project at Camp Snyder in memory of Will Rodger
When: Sunday 6 October, 2:00 PM start
Where:  Camp Snyder
Why: We all loved Will
Cost:  Free to all, just need your love and help


We will do a Cast Iron Cooking Event at the end of the day.

Conservation project is 2:00-5:00 and Troop Cast Iron Dinner is at 5:00


Will was an amazing leader and gave his all to Troop 131 and our Scouts.  He was an avid rock climber, outdoorsman, and conservationist.  Please come and join us for an afternoon to remember him, and to give back to Scouting, at Camp Snyder, and join us for a fellowship dinner of cast iron cooking, one of Will’s favorites.


Sign up at: 

Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131

DISTRICT CAMPOREE (October 18th-20th)

More information and sign-ups links coming soon!


Since this is a more expensive event than typical, we would like to get a head count earlier.  If you are interested in attending, then please see the information below from Mr. Mulvany and please sign up!


Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited!
What: Camping and Football
When: Fri 15 – Sat 15 Nov
Where:  Annapolis, MD
Why: Are you ready for some football
Cost:  Scout $30 camping program + $20 ticket= $50

           Adult $35 camping program + $30 ticket= $65

Register at:

Cut off is 1 Nov, so sign up early


Price includes Football tickets, Camping, all Food, Commemorative Patch, Program Activities at Elks Camp Barrett, & Tailgate Party at Stadium

All scouts will receive a commemorative Navy Football Scout Day Patch at the game.

In 2023 we welcomed over 3,500 scouts (boys and girls) and family members to Annapolis, making it one of the largest football events in recent history.


Friday Nov 15, Scheduled Activities include:
* 3:00 pm – Unit Arrivals & Set Up Camp
* 12:00 am – Lights out
Scout Day Saturday Nov 16, Scheduled Activities include: (Tailgate Lunch Time is tentative & depends upon Kickoff time)
* 6:00 am – Continental Breakfast
* TBD – Tours of USNA by Midshipman (NESA) & USNA Scout Patch
* 11:00 am – Lunch àTailgate Lunch @ NAVYFEST – Southside of Stadium – along Taylor Ave
* 12:00 pm – USNA College Football Game: Midshipmen vs. Houston Cougars
* 6:00 pm – After Football Game – Return to Camp for Dinner
* 11:30 pm − Lights Out
Sunday Nov 17, Activities:
* 6:30 am – Hot Breakfast
* 8:30 am – Independent Interfaith Service
* 9:30 am – Clean Campsite/Depart from Camp


Registration link

Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131



See below some opportunities for Adult Leader training!!!

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), Fall 2024 – November 16-17, Gunston Hall

               URL to event:


Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Position Specific Training, Fall 2024

               Sep 14, 9:00 am to 1:30 pm at Heritage Presbyterian Church

                              URL to event:


Back Country Outdoor Leader Skills (BCOLS), Fall 2024

               Classroom 9/21 at Heritage Presbyterian Church

               Overnight 10/19-10/20 at Camp Big Mac, Markham, VA



Wood Badge, Fall 2024 – 9/13-9/15 & 10/5-10/6

               National Capital Area Council – Fall Wood Badge 2024


Like rank advancements, the summer is a great time to work on Merit Badges.  All you need is the desire, a blue card (from me or one of the other Assistant Scoutmasters and to talk to you counselor)

Mrs. Farmer, the Advancement Chair, has created a google document, see link below, that contains a list of all the merit badges and the current list of troop counselors.  Eagle Required are highlighted.


PARENTS: We are blessed to have so many adults with a wide diversity of skill sets, occupations and hobbies.  If you would like to be a counselor (or expand the ones you already have) then please reach out to Kathryn Farmer.

For eagle required, we are bit light on:

  • Emergency Preparation
  • Environmental Science

Please don’t hesitate to sign up for merit badges where there are others, it is better if the scouts have choices on who they can work with!


See information below concerning National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT).  We had a number of scouts go to this in past years (including Luke Irwin just recently) and all rave about how great it is.  I certainly encourage you to consider it!

Winter Registration OpensSunday, October 6th @ Noon

Our Council’s Winter NYLT Course historically fills very quickly. Interested eligible Scouts are encouraged to sign up as soon as registration goes live.


Course Dates: Jan 17-20; Feb 1-2 (both weekends)

Fee: $345

Camp William B. Snyder



Scouts must:

  • Complete their home Unit’s Introduction to Leadership Skills course*
  • Receive approval from your Scoutmaster or Unit leader
  • Be at least 13 years of age by course start date
  • Earn First Class rank, if registered in a Troop
  • Have current BSA Health Form (Parts A, B, and C)
  • Be comfortable camping and cooking outdoors
  • Commit to attending the entire six-day course

* Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), Crews (ILSC), and Ships (ILSS) should be offered through a Scout’s home unit. Ask your Unit Leader how you can participate in this course.




Q. How quickly will slots fill?

A. While we are never sure, last summer’s courses filled very quickly and Winter course filled in a matter of hours. We have increased the number of participant slots to try and give as many Scouts the opportunity to attend NYLT as possible. We strongly recommend registering early.

Q. If the course I want fills up should I add myself to the WAITLIST?

A. Yes. It is always possible a spot will open and we strongly encourage families to add their Scouts to the waitlist.

Q. Are scholarships available?

A. Yes. Council has set aside funds to assist both participants and staff with their fees. Families can apply here. Unit Leaders can apply on behalf of their Scouts here.

Q. What are the age, rank and other requirements to attend NYLT?

A. Find this and other NYLT information on our main website at:

Q. How is staff chosen?

A. An Adult Course Director selects a Youth Course Lead and together they assemble the staff based on Staffing Applications and interactions at Staff Interest Meetings. We highly encourage people to apply for staff… it can be a very rewarding experience.

Q. How can I increase my chances of being selected for NYLT staff?

A. Many Youth Course Leads have indicated the best way to increase your chances of being selected for staff is to attend Staff Interest Meetings.



Winter Course Staff Interest Meeting

Youth and Adults interested in staffing are encouraged to submit a staffing application and attend Staff Interest Meetings to find out more about these rewarding volunteer positions.

  • Winter Course Staff Interest Meetings are being planned for Thursday, Sep 26, @ 7 pm via Zoom, and
  • Oct 5, 2 pm, in person. Location TBD.
  • A Summer Staff Interest meeting is being planned for November 24th at Camp Snyder

More details and signups to follow.

 SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, September 23rd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday, September 28th – Pumpkin Drop off 1 – 8:30 am – noon- Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, September 30th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Sunday October 6th – Will Roger Conservation Project – Camp Snyder

Monday, October 7th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday October 11th – 14th – Camping – NCAC Climboree (long weekend) – Camp Mountaineer, WV

Monday October 14th – No Meeting Climboree and Federal Holiday

Friday October 18th – 20th – Accotink District Camporee- American Legion Youth Camp

Saturday, October 19th – Pumpkin Drop off 2 – 8:30 am – noon – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 21st – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 28th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

©2024 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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