This Week (Dec. 1): Wreaths, Dues, Committee Training
This Week (Nov. 17): PLC, Philmont, Wreaths
, Scoutmaster Update
Patrol Leaders Council We’ll have the first PLC with the new SPL this Monday. All Patrol leaders, or their...
2023-10-22 This Week: Camporee Recap, Troop Meeting, Summer Camp Coordinator, Scouting for Food, Wreath Sale, High Adventure, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope you are all doing well this breezy Sunday afternoon. Sorry for the long email, however, there is...
2021-02-08 This Week: Zoom Meeting, Patrol Outings, Silver Beaver Award
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
ZOOM meeting – 7 pm Patrol Outings Time to get Outdoors! We will talk about this more in the...
2022-07-24 This Week: In person Meeting 7:00, Citizenship in the Nation, Alex Heckel Eagle Project, Horseback Riding Trip, Merit Badge Counselors, Adult Volunteers, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, We will have an in-person Troop meeting Monday at 7:00 at Immanuel Church on the Hill. Note, we...
2021-05-17 This Week: Swim Test, Elections, Service, Canoeing, Ryan’s COH
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
BSA SWIM TEST – 6:45 at 3210 King Street We will meet at Chinquapin Recreation Center for the BSA...
2021-07-26 This Week: In-Person Meeting
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
There is an in-person meeting Monday night! Please note that we switched to summer hours so the meeting will...
2024-03-17 This Week: Troop Meeting & Order of the Arrow Elections, Parents Meeting Recap, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, Thank you to all the Scouts as well as Mr. Grocki and Mrs. Muldoon who went on...
2023-10-01 This Week: PLC, Troop Meeting, Wreath Sale, Pumpkin Patch, Scouting for Food, Annual Fees One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope everyone is doing well. I just flew into town this afternoon after being away for the last...
Upcoming Events
Recent Posts
- 2024-09-08 This Week: Troop Meeting, Committee Meeting, Climbing Rock Enon, David Lloyd Eagle Project Will Roger, District Camporee, Naval Academy, Merit Badge, Youth Mental First Aid Class, Adult Training, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-09-07 Eagle Court of Honor 7 Sep 2024
- 2024-08-31 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Nathan Wells Eagle, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-10 Will Roger Memorial Conservation Project
- 2024-08-24 This Week: Troop Meeting, Court of Honor, Box of Destiny, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead