Troop meeting tonight, 7:30 pm
Meeting info below with Breakout Rooms
Troop 131 Monday meeting, June 1, 7.30 pm

Meeting ID: 811 6386 5279
Password: 595398

Goshen Home Camping/Family Camping:
Goshen Camp Directors are excited about the alternative program this summer – Goshen Homecamping! Both Webelos and Scouts BSA youth will have the opportunity to earn merit badges or adventure pins respectively online with dedicated instructors, AND come down to one of there camp properties with their family to go camping beginning on July 6th.  As it is family camping, not troop camping, we won’t take a group, but please take advantage of this great situation!
Summer Outings: 
We hope that we’ll be able to do something in July if BSA lets us.  In the meantime – Get Outside!  Follow the CDC guidelines for social distancing but spring is here, enjoy it!
Family Camping – Troop Gear
If you want to go camping with your family, the troop will loan you the gear!  Just send me an email and we will work it out.  Want some ideas?  I’ve got plenty, just tell me what you want to do and I’ll help you plan it. 

©2024 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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