

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is keeping sane as we barrel on toward the winter/holiday break.



We will have an in person meeting tomorrow at 7:30 at Del Ray United Methodist Church. This will be our new SPL’s first meeting, so lets all help him make it successful.

We will discuss winter camping and prep. No one wants to be cold or worse risk hypothermia, so making sure you have the right gear in your pack is of critical importance.  All of you should pay attention, because next week we are going to ask you bring in you packs (optimized for winter) for a little competition. There is a special prize for the most complete pack ….



The wreath sale was a great success this year, thank you all for participating. A special Thanks to Bobby Nusz and Clese Erikson for organizing the effort!

Here is the basic run down:

·        We had 22 scouts participate and they sold $8,859.91 in wreaths

·        $4,750 in-person, $344 direct ship, $3,715.91 online, and a $50 donation

·        We had two scouts generate over $1,000 each–Arthur Dalton and Noah Urchek, with Arthur being the top seller at $1,570.72.

I do believe I promised the top seller the opportunity to put a whip cream pie in my face … a promise I will make good on at next Monday’s (Dec. 13th) meeting. Unfortunately for me, Arthur has lots of experience in this department, thanks to the cub scout popcorn sales … so I think I am in trouble!



Thank you to Mr. Rogers for a very successful Youth Leadership Training session today and to all 12 scouts (listed below) who were able to participate. It was a great activity, and we will look to do it again next year and for those that missed it.

The task now is to start instituting what you learned!



Monday December 6th                        Troop Meeting-                                                   Del Ray United Methodist Church

Monday December 13th                     Troop Meeting-                                                   Del Ray United Methodist Church

Monday December 20th                     No Troop Meeting- Winter Break

Monday December 27th                     No Troop Meeting- Winter Break

Monday January 3rd                           Troop Meeting-                                                    TBD



I know some of you have already started your long-term planning for next year and the summer.

The ACPS school year finishes a bit earlier this year, as a result we are planning on going to Goshen earlier as well and to free up the rest of the summer for family vacations or other activities.

We are currently registered for the first week of camp- running from June 26th thru July 2nd.

As usual, we will return to Camp Olmstead. Please mark your calendars and we hope you will join us, there is much to do at camp. For the older scouts, I would also encourage them to consider going as a councilor and helping to teach the next generation!


Wear your Mask and uniform!  Bring a headlamp!  Have a good time!

Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me Mr. Ramirez an email (!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card, not the parent!

See you all tomorrow evening.


©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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