
Troop 131,

Sorry for the delay in getting this email out late, for some reason Google Groups was having an issue and would not let me post my message yesterday.



We will have an in-person Troop meeting at 7:30PM at Immanuel Church on the Hill.  Note, we are back to regular hours, and you are expected to wear your scarf!


Here is rough agenda:


  • Conduct a shortin meeting PLC (15 minutes) to talk about summer camp locations- we are considering going to Camp Rodney (or somewhere else) this year in lieu of Goshen.
  • Patrol Time: Camporee Prep

o   We only have two meetings before the Camporee due to Columbus Day and the Emergency Prep Session

o   In your patrols, please start your meal planning- see attached T-131 Cooking Duty Roster to aid in this.

  • Tent Set up and Inspection- We would like all the tents taken out of the shed and set up.

o   Snapping Turtles can do this in the main hall with the Troop Guides Supervision, all other scouts will set up outside and in the dark!

o   Some of the tents have miss aligned poles, tarps etc. and we would like to see what is missing.

  • Board of Review- we have two potential candidates
  • Games and have a good time



Our car wash on SATURDAY was a great success; we had amazing weather and good bit of fun as well.  I am very happy to announce that we raised close to $1,400!  Frankly this we could not have expected such a large amount, and this is a big help and will allow us to replenish some of our funds.

A big thank you to Ed Mills and Kevin Jahns who helped organize the event, it went off without a hitch.  Also, a big thank you to all the adults and scouts who came out and helped wash the cars.  Many of the Cars had magnets from Immanuel Church on the Hill- so we must thank them as well for supporting our efforts.



Which brings me to the next point.  Many of the Church members supported our car wash and now we must return the favor and support them with the pumpkin sale!


See information Ms. Kathy Lloyd provided about upcoming opportunities with the Church and the Pumpkin Patch.  Scouts should be in full Class B gear (with our green T-131 T-shirt) if you volunteer.  Please note that this is a change from last week, where I said class A uniform.  Work gloves are also suggested.


Oct 1st & Oct 22nd we particularly need help unloading.  Starting 8:30 AM and any time after that.  It will go on much of the day!


Oct 15th, we have SSSA & ACDS schools helping, but welcome more!

There will be gloves and refreshments! 


We’re in the countdown! Two trucks of pumpkins, driven by Scott and Amanda (our long-time pumpkin truck drivers), will be ready to unload Saturday morning, October 1st. Like last year, pumpkins will come in large boxes on pallets which will be removed from the trucks by a forklift. Two more trucks will arrive Saturday morning, October 15th. If sales go well, we may schedule a fifth truck! We’ll need a lot of helpers to unpack the boxes and place pumpkins on pallets around the Patch. Stop by the Pumpkin Patch any time both Saturdays, starting 8:30 AM – bring gloves – and we’ll be delighted to see you any time that day! We will unpack as many bins of pumpkins as we can on Saturday — and finish on Sunday as needed. Let that sea of vibrant orange, those delicious baked treats, sensational soups, and craft artistry bring joy to our parish – and our community. “There are no transactions; only blessings” – and every customer is a blessing. 




We always need help in both the required and elective badges.  I attached to this email the current list of Merit Badge Counselors for the troop.

Please let Mr. Jahns and I know if you have any interest in becoming a merit badge counselor for any of the badges listed.



In addition to the oath and law, I would like us to recite the outdoor code during out meetings.


As an American, I will do my best to –

  • Be clean in my outdoor manners.
  • Be careful with fire.
  • Be considerate in the outdoors.
  • Be conservation minded.



Most of the Eagle Required Merit badges have a few requirements that are particularly difficult to achieve or accomplish. One such is the Emergency Service Project for the Emergency Preparation Merit Badge.


See message below from Pamala Larson who through complete determination was able to arrange a visit from City Officials to run a drill for us.  You should have a Blue Card for this Merit Badge in hand if you want to get credit for this requirement- Hint – Hint.


I have scheduled Curice Paulus and Ray Whatley from the City to come and help you and Troop 131 achieve item 7A from the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge Requirement on Monday October 3rd. As a reminder, your requirement is to: Take part in an emergency service project, either a real one or a practice drill, with a Scouting unit or a community agency. As soon as I have confirmation from them on what this drill will be, I will share it with you. Thanks for your patience, it took a while, but I found the right people.


Thank you,

Mrs. Larson/Pamela




SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

For your use, I attached the current version of the troop calendar to this email as well as list the next month’s activities below.


Monday, September 26th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday October 1sth – Service Project- Pumpkin Drop at Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 3rd – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (PLC) (Emergency Prep) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 10th – No Troop Meeting- Columbus Day

Friday, October 14th-16th – Camporee/Colonial District Camporee-American Legion Youth Camp, Cheltenham, MD

Saturday October 15thh – Service Project- Pumpkin Drop at Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 17th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Saturday October 22ndh – Service Project- Pumpkin Drop at Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, October 24th – Troop Meeting- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Friday, October 28th-30th – Beach/Chesapeake Bay Camping, Assateague

Monday, October 31st – No Meeting- Halloween!

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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