
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!

Short email this week and just a few announcements:


  • Just a reminder, there is no meeting this Monday due to the Federal Holiday.
  • Goshen is one week away, so for the scouts going, now is the time to get your gear together and make sure you are in good shape for camp including doing any merit badge prerequisites!
  • With so many scouts going to Goshen and many of the adults already on summer holiday, we are going to cancel the meeting for Monday June 26th.
  • We WILL have a meeting on Monday July 3rd.  In addition, we are going to schedule a Board of Review for that meeting, so any scouts that are ready to go to the next rank should let Mrs. Haymes know.




See note below from Mr. Jahns.  This is amazing; to have an Eagle Court of honor for FOUR scouts on the same day!


Please join Scouts BSA Troop 131 for an Eagle Scout Court of Honor celebrating: 


Henry Bingman

Matthew Haymes

Alex Heckel

Will Jahns


When: Tuesday, June 20th at 6:30 PM

Where: Fort Ward Park Pavilion, 4301 W. Braddock Rd, Alexandria

Dinner will be provided.


Please use the link below to RSVP so we know how many to expect.


Please bring a chair for yourself! 


Hope to see you next Tuesday! 

Any questions? – Contact Kevin at





Last call for the FBI tour!  We need to get the list in by June 19th.  Please sign up if you want to attend.  I don’t think we will reach the 19-person threshold, so Adults are welcome too!


Who: Everyone in Troop 131 is invited!  But space is limited to a  maximum of 19 participants (including adults)
What: Tour of the FBI
When: MONDAY July 10th from 09:45 to 1:00pm
Where:  Hoover Building:
Why: Support of Crime Prevention and Fingerprinting Merit Badges
Cost: Metro Fare


Andrea Irwin (Luke’s Mother) works at the FBI and has graciously arranged to provide us a tour of the Building and Facilities. Please consider this a jump start for anyone interested in working on the Crime Prevention or Fingerprinting Merit Badge.

We will meet at the Braddock Road Metro Station at 9:45 AM and take the metro downtown.

The FBI Experience will accommodate a tour on Monday, July 10th with a 10:30 arrival time, and 11:00 tour for a maximum of 19 participants including adults.  While we will need at least two to three adults to attend, preference will be given to Scouts if we reach the 19-person threshold.

The FBI will not be able to provide a formal guide; however, there will be Visitor Services Representatives throughout the tour who can engage with us.

Ms. Irwin was able to secure the education classroom at the end of the tour route so that we could hear from two fingerprinting experts!

Following the tour, we will eat lunch on the Mall and then take the metro back to Alexandria.  So be sure to pack your lunch!

Logistics wise, we need to submit a form with the information below for each person no later than June 19. We will collect the info later. So, please sign up now if you want to attend!

·  Last name, First Name, Middle Name
·  Social Security Number
·  Date of Birth
·  Citizenship
·  Country of Birth


Brendan Mulvaney

Outings Coordinator

Boy Scout Troop 131


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, June 19th   – No Troop Meeting – Federal Holiday – Juneteenth

Tuesday, June 20th – Eagle Court of Honor

Sunday June 25th – Start of Summer Camp!!!

Monday, June 26th – No Troop Meeting

Saturday July 1st – End of Summer Camp!!!

Monday, July 3rd – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM (BoR) – Immanuel Church on the Hill

(Yes, there is a meeting right after summer camp- to return gear and review how it went)

Monday, July 10th – FBI Tour – 9:45 AM- 1:00 PM – Hoover Building

Monday, July 10th – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill



Wear your full Class A Uniform and Scarf!  Bring your Book, Bring a headlamp!  Leave your phone in your pocket! and have a good time!

Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me, Mr. Ramirez, an email (!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card, not the parent!

See you all at the troop meeting.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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