When: Fri 7 Feb- Sun 9 Feb 2025
Where: Mt Solon area (about 2.5 hours from Alexandria)
Why: Return to the Darkness
Forms- What we need from you
- I will need a signed BSA permission slip for each scout (form attached)
- Payment:
Easiest way to make payment for this or other Scout events is Zelle:Name: TreasurerT131Email: Treasurer@T131.OrgWhen making payment via Zelle, please be sure to add a note telling the Treasurer what the payment is for; alternately, you can send a separate email
Or check made out to “BSA Troop 131” , or if you want to use some funds in your Scout Account, please let the Treasurer know: Treasurer@T131.org
There is a Merit Badge! See Scoutmaster Ramirez for a Blue Card if you are interested.