Troop 131, I hope everyone is doing ok after a very rainy weekend! TROOP MEETING We will have an...
2022-09-25 This Week: Troop Meeting, Car Wash, Recap, Service Projects, Merit Badge Counselors, Outdoor Code, Emergency Prep, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, Sorry for the delay in getting this email out late, for some reason Google Groups was having...
As Mr. Mills announced last night, our Troop 131 Car Wash fundraiser is THIS Saturday! Saturday, September 24th – 8 AM...
And now, on to the next big event: CAMP-O-REE This one is important, because it is where we get a...
2022-09-18 This Week: In Person Troop Meeting, Outdoor Code, Climboree Re-cap, Scout of the Camping Trip, Uniform Inspection, Committee Meeting, Car Wash, Emergency Prep, Service Projects, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, Sorry for the VERY long email, however, we are in the heart of the fall scouting season,...
Summer Committee Meeting Wed, Sep 21 (via Zoom, link emailed later) 7:30 PM Contact us at: if you...
2022-09-11 This Week: In Person Meeting, Uniform Inspection, Vision Statement, Shed Painting, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, I hope everyone is well, enjoying school and ready for an exciting fall season of Scouts! ...
Troop 131, Happy Labor Day
2022-08-28 This Week: T-131 – Summer CoH, Leadership Training, Merit Badge Afloat, Climboree, Car Wash, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster UpdateTroop 131, SUMMER – COURT OF HONOR & FAMILY PICNIC The Troop Court of Honor is on Monday! I hope...
Please join us for our summer Court of Honor & Picnic! REMINDER! 7:00 Start time The troop will provide...
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