Our next and final Scout Campout for 2021 is Orienteering at Prince William Forest, 12-14 Nov. 

Join us for the last camp out of 2021.  We will be working on Orienteering (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/merit_badge_reqandres/orienteering.pdf) at Prince William Forest.  This is a great place for Patrols to work together in teams and for Scouts to work on skills and merit badges- camping, cooking, hiking, communications, etc.  Parents are always welcome to come and join in the activities and test your map and compass skills.  We will also need drivers for Friday afternoon and Sunday morning.

Prince William Forest is near by and easily accessible.  So plenty of room and opportunity for everyone to help close out the 2021 Camping Season strong.
So sign up, talk to your Patrol and get them to sign up too!

Friday afternoon/evening – 12 Nov  

  • We will coordinate transportation 
    • Departures MAY be staggered throughout the afternoon depending on drivers and Scouts
  • Overnight at Turkey Run Campground, sites B and D at Prince William Forest  

Saturday  – 13 Nov

  • Breakfast
  • Break up in to teams for Orienteering Course
  • Looking for boxes and wandering through the woods
  • Dinner
  • Camp Fire!

Sunday – 14 Nov – time TBD (approx. 10:00 am)

  • Return to First Baptist Church back parking area for pick up
  • An e-mail will be sent out Sunday morning with the ETA at the church
  • Please RSVP no later than Monday, 8 Nov via this link
  • Adult drivers / campers will also be needed as well – let me know if you can volunteer
  • We will need a signed permission slip for each scout  
  • We will also need a completed medical form for each participant if I don’t already have yours on file (form attached)
  • Participating Adults- we need a current Youth Protection Training (YPT) certificate on file for you.  You can find the training at : https://www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/

We will also have a campfire, so a great chance for a Scout who is working on their communication merit badge to arrange the program.

Our Destination

Prince William Forest Turkey Run Campground Sites B&D


  • Cost is $20 per scout (Covering camping & food)
  • Gear, menus and food will be discussed at the Troop Meeting on the 8th – but Scouts can plan ahead of time- a Scout is Prepared!
    • This is car camping, so feel free to bring delectable dishes
  • Cost is $0 per adult (on your own for food)
  • Adult campers / drivers are needed as well – let me know if you can come and share the FUN!

Forms- What we need from you

  • I will need a signed BSA permission slip for each scout (form attached)
  • I will also need a completed BSA medical form for each participant  Scouts and Adults (Goshen ones count as well).
  • Payment- check made out to  “BSA Troop 131” , or if you want to use some funds in your Scout Account, please let the Treasurer know: Treasurer@T131.org

There is an Orienteering Merit Badge!  Click the merit badge below for info, and then see Scoutmaster Ramirez for a Blue Card if you are interested.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Brendan Mulvaney
Outings Coordinator
Boy Scout Troop 131

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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