2020-01-12 This Week (Jan. 12): Skiing, Dues, Snow Camping
2023-02-12 This Week: Troop Meeting, Camping Trip Prince William Forest, Jack Snowden Eagle Project, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
I hope you are well! Unfortunately, our winter camping curse continues. I thought we had it worked out with the trip...
2021-09-20 Court of Honor and Family Picnic
, Scoutmaster Update
Please join us for our summer Court of Honor & Picnic! REMINDER! 7:00 Start time (earlier than last week)...
2024-08-24 This Week: Troop Meeting, Court of Honor, Box of Destiny, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, I hope that you all had a great first week of school. Congratulations to those that went...
2020-08-31 This Week (August 31): Zoom Meeting at 7:00 pm, Rock Climbing 9/26
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Climbing
Zoom Meeting Tonight at 7:00 pm, NOT in person – Looks like it will be a washout tonight, so...
This Week (Dec. 1): Wreaths, Dues, Committee Training
, Scoutmaster Update
Wreaths arrive this week Look for an email as to when to pick them up, but they will be...
2024-03-25 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Order of the Arrow Elections, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
Troop 131, I hope you are well and are starting to relax for Spring Break! NO TROOP MEETING Just...
2021-08-23 This Week: In-Person Meeting
, Scoutmaster Update, Camping, Court, Wreath
I am sure that many of you are making the last preparations before school starts on Tuesday, and I...
2023-06-11 This Week: Troop Meeting & Mini-PLC, Elections Recap, Eagle Court of Honor, Uniform Swap, One Month Look-ahead
, Scoutmaster Update
What a great rafting weekend! Thank you to the 21 scouts and 9 adults who came out on the camping trip. ...
Upcoming Events
Recent Posts
- 2024-09-08 This Week: Troop Meeting, Committee Meeting, Climbing Rock Enon, David Lloyd Eagle Project Will Roger, District Camporee, Naval Academy, Merit Badge, Youth Mental First Aid Class, Adult Training, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-09-07 Eagle Court of Honor 7 Sep 2024
- 2024-08-31 This Week: No Troop Meeting, Nathan Wells Eagle, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead
- 2024-10 Will Roger Memorial Conservation Project
- 2024-08-24 This Week: Troop Meeting, Court of Honor, Box of Destiny, Isaac Workman – Eagle CoH, Climbing Rock Enon, Will Roger, Naval Academy, Truck Transportation Merit Badge, Adult Volunteers, Merit Badge Counselors, One Month Look-ahead