
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break, and I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday at the troop meeting!

For those participating in the Introduction to Scuba next weekend, please make sure you respond to the recent email from Mr. Saulski and please be sure to do the required prerequisites.

For those that signed up for the Philmont 2026, I am pleased to inform you the payment was made, and we are now locked in for two High Adventure Crews in August of 2026.  Certainly, we will have lots of backpacking trips in preparation for this big adventure.  A big thank you to Mr. Farmer and Mr. Devlin for being our high adventure organizers and especially to Mr. Baldwin for collecting all the monies and making the payments happen!

Finally, and just as a reminder, those who have wreath sales pick up, please make sure you keep your eyes peeled from an email from Mrs. Setliff, indicating that the wreaths have arrived and are ready for pick up!  She is asking that you pick them up this week.



We will have a Troop meeting at 7:30PM this Monday at Immanuel Church on the Hill! 

Most of the meeting will focus on elections and patrol reorganization.  Please note that for the elections I added something new, see portion below highlighted and bold.

We only have one candidate for Sr. Patrol leader, if you would like to run, then please let me know ASAP so that I can put your name on the ballot.

It is very important that all scouts attend on Monday, this is your troop and your participation is important!

We only have three meetings before the winter holiday so let’s finish out the year strong!!!


As we often do at elections and/or at re-charter, we are going to combine and re-organize some of the patrols.  We have had quite a few scouts age/eagle out and there is always natural attrition. We have also had some new additions to the troop, so it makes sense. We do this to keep the patrols balanced/healthy as well as to make room for a big patrol of Arrow of Light scouts that is hopefully coming in the spring.  If you have any concerns, then we can discuss them at the meeting.

When we combine patrols or bring new members in, then you have the option to choose a new patrol name.  The troop will provide you with new patches and I will make new woggles if required.  Everyone in attendance must agree to keep an existing name, if there is not 100% agreement, then I will ask you to choose something new and unique.

  • Moose and Nylon (combined) – Pick one of the existing or pick a new patrol name
  • Mustachios (no change)
  • Snapping Turtles (no change)
  • Goats – Combine with ½ of the Tasmanian Devils – Pick the existing or a new patrol name

o   Logan Bond (on sabbatical)

o   John Grocki

o   Greyson Hunt

o   Peter Hay

o   Talis Saulski

o   Rhys Devlin

o   Sami Lipke

o   Anjan Patel

  • Penguin Raiders- Combine with ½ of the Tasmanian Devils- Pick the existing or a new patrol name

o   Thomas Grocki

o   Karsten Gross

o   Nate Horn

o   Elliott Perry

o   Teddy Teixeira Moffat

o   Simon Macek

o   Quinn Ziemann

(*) Note:  If I left anyone off this list, I apologize in advance, this was my understanding of who will continue with scouts into the new year!


Let me start by sending out a big thank you to our current SPL, Tadhg Devlin.  Serving as the SPL is a tough job and I would like all of you to thank him for his efforts and service.

He could not have done it without the help, energy and participation of our two ASPLs, so we are fortunate that one of them is running for SPL.  Leadership continuity is important, and I am grateful for the continued service to the troop!

The troop is Scout led and not adult led, so this is your time to select the leaders. Please take this seriously!

  • Our candidates for Sr. Patrol Leader:

o   Arthur Dalton

  • We will start the meeting by asking the SPL candidate to give a short speech on why they should be elected and what they want to accomplish during this term.
  • All scouts in the troop are then free to ask them questions concerning this.
  • In addition, and new this year, any scout who would like to have an appointed leadership position (scribe, quartermaster, troop guide, etc) I would like them also to stand up and indicate what specific position they would like and to speak as to why the new SPL should select them.
  • Then we will break into patrols and elect Patrol Leaders.
  • Patrol Leaders will then appoint their APL.
  • The new SPL will appoint the ASPL(s) and other leadership positions.
  • There are plenty of other leadership positions available, see list below of the roles that we commonly fill.  For the older scouts, I would like to see at least three (2) Troop Guides, so please consider that position. The younger patrols will benefit from your experience and wisdom!

o   The patrols elect the Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader appoints the Assistant Patrol Leader.

o   The troop elects the Sr. Patrol Leader.  The Sr. Patrol Leader appoints the Assistant Sr. Patrol Leader(s) and the other leadership positions:

  • Assistant Sr. Patrol Leader:
  • Quartermaster: 
  • Historian: 
  • Librarian: 
  • Bugler:
  • Scribe: 
  • Troop Guides: 
  • Chaplain’s Aide:
  • Order of the Arrow Rep:


SCHEDULE: One Month(ish) Look Ahead

Monday, December 2nd – Troop Meeting – 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill (TROOP ELECTIONS)

Saturday, December 7th – Discover Scuba – Minnie Howard Pool

Monday, December 9th – Troop Meeting (PLC)- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, December 16th – Troop Meeting (BoR)- 7:30 PM – Immanuel Church on the Hill

Monday, December 23rd – No Troop Meeting

Monday, December 30th – No Troop Meeting


For our typical meetings, please wear your full Class A Uniform!  Bring your Book, Bring a headlamp!  Leave your phone in your pocket! and have a good time!

Blue Cards!  Did you know that your Scoutmaster can email you a blue card?  Just send me, Mr. Ramirez, an email (!  Note that the SCOUT must request the blue card, not the parent!

See you all at the next troop meeting.

©2025 Troop 131 | Alexandria, Virginia.


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