![Roundtable Resources - Colonial](https://www.ncacbsa.org/colonial/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2023/08/2023-Fall-Conservation-Camporee-Poster.jpg)
What: Recruiting and Camping
When: Fri 20 Oct – Sun 23 Oct 2023
Where: Cheltenham, MD
Why: This keeps the Troop growing and going
· Zelle Account Transfer:
· Name: TreasurerT131
· Email: treasurert131@gmail.
· That is TreasurerT131 just to reiterate the “T131” aspect.
· Please put in the notes what activity you are paying for.
Zelle is the easiest and most seamless.
- Check Payment- check made out to “BSA Troop 131” , or if you want to use some funds in your Scout Account, please let the Treasurer know: Treasurer@T131.org
Forms- What we need from you
- I will need a signed BSA permission slip for each scout (form attached)
- I will also need a completed BSA medical form for each participant Scouts and Adults (Goshen ones count as well).